Page 15 - Giv'er Miramichi Magazine - Winter Issue 2022
P. 15
What’s in a Word?
By Connie Doucet RN, CHPCN(C)
The word palliative has taken a bad rap over the Go home, get your affairs in order and accept the
years and has struck fear in the hearts of many families inevitable; you are going to die.” We are all going to die.
and to be honest, I don’t blame In my opinion, if the
them. person had been followed by
In most instances, the the Hospice Palliative Care
person was labelled palliative team when they were first
only a few weeks before death. diagnosed with their illness,
I mention the word label. there would have been a
Unfortunately, for the most seamless transition of care.
part, that is what palliative has The person and their family
become…a label. could have been supported
The person is not throughout the illness until the
palliative. The person is living person’s death, and, then
with a life limiting/life following the death the family
threatening illness, which is could be supported throughout
not curable. This illness will the bereavement process.
likely progress over time; We need to stop labelling
however, it can be actively people as palliative and start
managed with impeccable pain and symptom control. asking ourselves the question: “When would this
These life-threatening illnesses include cancer, diseases person benefit from the palliative approach to care?”
of the lung, heart and kidney, neurological illnesses, If a physician could ask themselves the following
congenital and metabolic illnesses affecting children, as question: “Would I be surprised if the patient sitting
well as the chronic health conditions which are seen in before me in this office is alive a year from now?” If
the frail elderly. the answer to this question is “yes,” then perhaps the
The person is not palliative but will benefit from introduction of the palliative approach to care might be
the introduction of the palliative approach to care. In considered.
other words. The type of care, the philosophy of care, By taking advantage of support services earlier in
and the approach to care are palliative. the illness, the person will benefit from better symptom
The person may feel abandoned by their specialist control which, in turn, may improve their quality of life.
who after months, or even years, of providing care may The person may become more involved in deciding
suddenly say: “There is nothing more that can be done. what their future health care will look like; they may
(continued on pg. 17)
Giv’er Miramichi is published by MCG Media 15