Miramichi Fishing Report
Angling had been decent to quite good last weekend before the heat brought fishing to a crawl, and the implementation of the closure of identified cold water pools. Notice to Recreational Anglers Fisheries and Oceans Canada Gulf Region: Salmon angling on the Miramichi River Moncton – July 25, 2016 – Fisheries and Oceans Canada wishes…
Read MoreJuly is proving to have some fresh fish moving through each day, with a few days producing very good numbers, especially on the Southwest Miramichi. Generally, the fish are moving rather than holding. NOTE: Don’t forget the meeting Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Newcastle Lions Center to discuss the striped bass and salmon situation. …
Read MoreWith better trapnet numbers (see below) and more catching, angling is looking up somewhat. Hopefully, it is a sign of things (fish) to come. A little more rain and cooler temperatures would certainly help the angling. [wp_bannerize group=”doug1″] Doug White’s Tammerack Sports Fly Shop in Juniper said it was not a bad week on the…
Read MoreThere continues to be little bumps of fish through the system, but no big run as of yet. For example, the Millerton put through a good splash of fish on Monday, but low numbers Tuesday. The Cassilis Trap on the Northwest is recording a few each day. They have also been seeing a lot of…
Read MoreEach week sees a few more fish coming into the system, but still no great run. Some anglers are having great luck as a small pod moves through, while others are having no luck. Warmer temperatures had curtailed results, but conditions are improving. Trap nets seemed to be averaging less than six a day, while…
Read MoreSummer is officially here and so are the fish. There has been a steady increase in the number of salmon and grilse entering the system, but there is no great run yet. But for the time of year, things are unfolding as they should. [wp_bannerize group=”doug1″] Doug White’s Tammerack Sports Fly Shop in Juniper said…
Read MoreFirst, the obvious: We do not have a problem with low water or warm temperatures! Recent rain has brought the rivers to spring high, if not even higher. Did anyone hear rumours about an ark being built? What’s a cubid? Yet in spite of all the water, there are a few fish being caught. [wp_bannerize…
Read MoreAngling remains quiet this week with only an odd salmon being hooked. Trout reports are also scarce. However, the Striped Bass were still taking well on Sunday in the Cassilis area with one angler reporting 70. There are still some big females around. The Stripers that have already left have been reported down river in…
Read MoreWith the Striper Cup over and the bass into full spawning, this fishery will be gradually winding down as the fish begin to leave the spawning grounds and spread through out the Gulf. They will return late September through October. There are a few bright salmon showing up on the Northwest Miramichi. The Little Southwest…
Read MoreAngling is slowly shifting into the summer season. There are lots of Striped Bass around, and they are beginning to spawn down river from the Red Bank Bridge. There have been a few bright salmon caught on the Northwest Miramichi, and possibly one seen on the Little Southwest. There have been a few unconfirmed reports…
Read MoreNormally, this time of year is what we call the “in-between season” on the Miramichi as spring salmon season is virtually over, and the bright salmon and sea trout have not arrived yet. But in recent years, this hole has been filled adequately with Striped Bass, and during the last few weeks, angling has been…
Read MoreSpring salmon season is winding down, and shifts from catching and releasing 10 a day to the Bright season on May 16 when four a day is the legal hook and release maximum. May 16 is also the official opening date for lakes. May 16 also sees the Renous River shift from fly-fishing only to…
Read MoreThe spring angling season continues to unfold as anglers are out for Spring Salmon, Trout and Striped Bass. All three are reporting reasonably good fishing. The retention period for Striped Bass 50-65 centimeters in length begins Monday May 9 and runs to May 29, 2016. Remember the limit is one a day, not to be…
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