Miramichi Fishing Report
MIRAMICHI – When out and about this Thursday to Saturday at dark, make sure to wear some Hunter Orange, especially if you are off the beaten track and traveling through trails to pools as it is the annual 3-day moose hunt, and many hunters will be out in pursuit of “Swamp Donkeys”. Maybe even be careful of using flies that are tied up with moose-hair You wouldn’t want some crack-shot to shoot the fly off your leader!
As we move toward the end of September, there has been some improvement in the number of fish coming into the system. On Monday of this week, the trap net at Millerton on the Main Southwest Miramichi had 7 salmon and three grilse, 8 and 3 on Tuesday and 7 and seven Wednesday. However, the Trapnet at Cassilis on the Northwest was zero for the three days.
The mid to lower section of the Main Southwest did receive some decent rain on the weekend, but the upper stretches (Doaktown up) received very little. The Cains River came up a lot, so hopefully, some fish that have been in the system will move up.
The MSA Hatchery will finish their electro-fishing this week and are in full swing collection brood stock. While seining pools on the Northwest, hatchery manager Mark Hambrook said that the numbers of salmon, and especially grilse, are down considerably from last year, and on the number of grilse present, he has never seen so many small grilse (2 ½ to 3 pounds, with hardy any in the 4 to 5 pound range).
Read MoreMIRAMICHI – Once again the promise of rain and very little received, but every drop is welcomed. There have been slight raises in water which have quickly dropped back again. But cooler temperatures have spurred some fish to take. However the majority of these takers are old fish that have simply moved from holding pool…
Read MoreMIRAMICHI – Once again the promise of rain and very little received, but every drop is welcomed. There have been slight raises in water which have quickly dropped back again. But cooler temperatures have spurred some fish to take. However the majority of these takers are old fish that have simply moved from holding pool […]
Read MoreMIRAMICHI – It is no surprise to say we basically have a repeat of the last several weeks with a few dark fish being hooked in the cold water pools, and certainly no fresh fish. The Counting trap at Millerton reported three fish on Monday, but normally an average of one or two a day. …
Read MoreMIRAMICHI – It is no surprise to say we basically have a repeat of the last several weeks with a few dark fish being hooked in the cold water pools, and certainly no fresh fish. The Counting trap at Millerton reported three fish on Monday, but normally an average of one or two a day. […]
Read MoreMIRAMICHI – With cooler temperatures, especially at night, conditions have improved a little as water has cooled. In some cases, fish that were hunkered down in cold water pools may have moved further up river. However, water levels have remained extremely low, resulting in very few new fish entering the system. Fish that are being…
Read MoreMIRAMICHI – With cooler temperatures, especially at night, conditions have improved a little as water has cooled. In some cases, fish that were hunkered down in cold water pools may have moved further up river. However, water levels have remained extremely low, resulting in very few new fish entering the system. Fish that are being […]
Read MoreMIRAMICHI – Not a lot has changed during the past week. For a while we had some cooler temperatures and cooler nights. But Saturday through Monday put water conditions back to where they were. The counting fences at Millerton and Cassilis reported maybe a couple of fish a day. The biggest changed came with DFO…
Read MoreMIRAMICHI – Not a lot has changed during the past week. For a while we had some cooler temperatures and cooler nights. But Saturday through Monday put water conditions back to where they were. The counting fences at Millerton and Cassilis reported maybe a couple of fish a day. The biggest changed came with DFO […]
Read MoreMIRAMICHI – Not much has changed since last week. WE did get some rain which produced some decent angling on the Northwest, but little changed through out the system. DFO regulations and closures remain in effect until further notice with only morning angling between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. in effect in open areas. Some […]
Read MoreMIRAMICHI – Not a lot has really changed since last week. We did receive some rain, which was certainly welcomed, but it was far from being enough, and the water temperatures have been akin to bath water. Very few people are even on the rivers. The report from the counting fences was that it was […]
Read MoreIn addition to earlier closure of specific pools (which are still in effect), DFO has also placed conservation restrictions on angling in the open areas of the system as follows: SALMON FISHERY ON THE MIRAMICHI Moncton – August 3, 2012 – Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) today announces that angling for all species on the […]
Read MoreVery warm weather and low and warm water conditions continue to plague angling on the Miramichi River system. Wednesday’s rain was no more than a sprinkle at best, so we are still in the “hoping” mode. Pool closures (see below) continue to be in effect while we all wait for a good day’s rain to […]
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