Giv'er Miramichi

Vince Mullin, on Life, Work, and Happiness

By Giv'er Miramichi / October 27, 2011 / Comments Off on Vince Mullin, on Life, Work, and Happiness

Vince Mullin fills his downstairs workshop with a welcoming presence. Sitting back in a worn chair, next to a guitar still under construction, and farther down, a myriad of other stringed instruments in various states, it’s obvious that he’s a busy man. Outside, the nighttime sounds of King George Highway compose a distinctive soundtrack for [Read More…]

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Miramichi Fishing Report for October 27, 2011

By Giv'er Miramichi / October 27, 2011 /

With only the Bartibog and Tabusintac Rivers open for two more days, there has not been a lot of angling activity.

When angling over for another year, most anglers simply chuck their equipment out in the garage or in the basement where it remains until next season. Wise anglers will take a few minutes to examine their equipment and properly prepare it for winter storage. This ensures a better start next year because the gear will be in top shape for another season.

First look at your waders unless you still plan to use them for some duck hunting. When you have finished with them, they should be thoroughly dried and stored in a cool dry place. Avoid the furnace room as high heat may cause cracks, producing an unpleasant surprise next spring.

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Miramichi Fishing Report for October 27, 2011

By Giv'er Miramichi / October 27, 2011 / Comments Off on Miramichi Fishing Report for October 27, 2011

With only the Bartibog and Tabusintac Rivers open for two more days, there has not been a lot of angling activity.

When angling over for another year, most anglers simply chuck their equipment out in the garage or in the basement where it remains until next season. Wise anglers will take a few minutes to examine their equipment and properly prepare it for winter storage. This ensures a better start next year because the gear will be in top shape for another season.

First look at your waders unless you still plan to use them for some duck hunting. When you have finished with them, they should be thoroughly dried and stored in a cool dry place. Avoid the furnace room as high heat may cause cracks, producing an unpleasant surprise next spring.

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Self Defense Seminar

By Giv'er Miramichi / October 20, 2011 /

SELF DEFENSE SEMINAR There will be a Self Defense Seminar for women on Saturday November 12 at the Better Bodies Fitness Studio. Learn how to safe guard and protect yourself from an unexpected assault with focus on striking, escape moves, and counter techniques. When:  Saturday November 12, 2011 Time: 9:00-4:30 Location: Better Bodies Fitness Studio…

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Miramichi Fishing Report for October 20, 2011

By Giv'er Miramichi / October 20, 2011 /

For the most part, another angling season is in the books. Generally speaking, the last week of angling was tough fishing for most. One exception was the Northwest Miramichi which, according to Syd Matchett, continued to fish well until the last day when the rain came.

George Routledge said that the Quarryville and Blackville areas were very quiet with only the odd fish being caught. That is not to say that anglers were not catching. As always, there were places that fished well into the final day.

That aside, the 2011 season has to go down as one of the best years in a long, long time. Catches were excellent and water conditions were almost perfect for the fish through out the season. Even those who did not have great luck, had the opportunity to see a lot of fish. There were also very good reports of big salmon being seen through out the season.

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Miramichi Fishing Report for October 20, 2011

By Giv'er Miramichi / October 20, 2011 / Comments Off on Miramichi Fishing Report for October 20, 2011

For the most part, another angling season is in the books. Generally speaking, the last week of angling was tough fishing for most. One exception was the Northwest Miramichi which, according to Syd Matchett, continued to fish well until the last day when the rain came.

George Routledge said that the Quarryville and Blackville areas were very quiet with only the odd fish being caught. That is not to say that anglers were not catching. As always, there were places that fished well into the final day.

That aside, the 2011 season has to go down as one of the best years in a long, long time. Catches were excellent and water conditions were almost perfect for the fish through out the season. Even those who did not have great luck, had the opportunity to see a lot of fish. There were also very good reports of big salmon being seen through out the season.

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Portraits of Honour National Tour

By Giv'er Miramichi / October 17, 2011 / Comments Off on Portraits of Honour National Tour

Hand painted mural, 10 ft by 50ft depicts the faces of 157 Canadians who lost their lives in Afghanistan, including our own Master Corporal Allan StewartSunday November 6th, 2011Parade 1:00pm leaving Miramichi MallViewing of mural in front of Beaverbro…

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Saltwater Sounds to host 8 time Juno Awards winners The Good Brothers

By Giv'er Miramichi / October 13, 2011 /

The Good Brothers are coming to Miramichi! Come on down to meet this 8 time Juno award winning group at Saltwater Sounds on Saturday, Oct. 15th. From 12:00-1:30 these guys will be in here selling CD’s and signing autographs. The Latest News about The Good Brothers. The Good Brothers accolades include: 8 Juno Awards as…

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DowntownS Miramichi – “WE’RE” doin a great job!

By Giv'er Miramichi / October 13, 2011 /

Both the Newcastle Business District & Historic Chatham Business District of the DowntownS Miramichi Network has had a busy, and might I add successful summer. I’ve assumed the role of General Manger temporarily trying to fill the extremely huge shoes of the existing GM Stephanie King who is away on maternity leave. It’s been a…

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St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church

By Giv'er Miramichi / October 13, 2011 /

Fall Fashion Show Oct.19 at 7 pm at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church Parish Center. Fashions by Fantastique. Music by Ron Doiron. Cheesecake dessert. Door Prizes. Tickets $15 available at Books Inn, Fantastique, Church Office Mon-Thurs 9-1pm or call Arlene 622-4995. All proceeds to the Capital Campaign. Giv'er MiramichiGiv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s…

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‘Getting Our Kids in the Game’ Sports campaign!

By Giv'er Miramichi / October 13, 2011 /

Donate Gently Used Sporting Goods to Students in Miramichi! Drop off any gently used sporting equipment between Sept. 26th & Oct. 14th Students of School District 16 & the young people of Miramichi City will be the recipients of the used sporting equipment you donate! When you drop off and *tag your items at any…

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Songwriters Circle at Saltwater Sounds

By Giv'er Miramichi / October 13, 2011 /

In celebration of the upcoming New Brunswick Music Week, Saltwater Sounds will be hosting a Songwriting Circle with local Miramichi songwriters Terry Whalen, Connie and Paul and more. Come on down to the shop and experience just some of the local talent that Miramichi has to offer. Saltwater Sounds 1738 Water Street 773-8010 Giv'er MiramichiGiv’er…

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Miramichi Fishing Report for October 13, 2011

By Giv'er Miramichi / October 13, 2011 /

As the season enters the final few days, there are good numbers of fish in the system. Generally, the catching has been difficult in most places, but there are some exceptions, and water conditions have been good.

With the season closing for the majority of rivers by Saturday’s end, there are only a few which remain open until October 29. These are the Bartibog, Burnt Church and Tabusintac Rivers.

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