Giv'er Miramichi
My Dancing Snowman By Myrna Beth Lambert I have celebrated many special Christmas holidays, but I will always remember the Christmas of 1946. I was seven years old and it was my last year of childhood innocence, although I didn’t know it at the time. I believed in Santa, the tooth fairy and magical, dancing [Read More…]
Read MoreMighty Miramichi’s Biggest Loser Challenge 3 ended recently and organizers say it was their best event yet. “Every challenge we’re involved with we learn a bit more to help us make the next one even better,” said Jessica Sargent, one of the three dietitians who coached participants during the competition. “This challenge cost teams a…
Read MoreMiramichi Timberwolves draw just in time for Christmas! MIRAMICHI – Last minute shoppers looking for stocking stuffer ideas need look no further. The Miramichi Timberwolves Junior A Hockey Club have announced details of their latest fund-raiser. Team governor Jamie Keays was all smiles with the launch. “This is one of the best draws in franchise…
Read MoreWe’re full of the Christmas spirit this year at Bread ‘n Molasses and we thought we’d pass it on! So here’s a wonderful little holiday activity you can share with your kids. Click on the picture of the gingerbread house below to make it bigger, then print out as many copies of the drawing as [Read More…]
Read MoreSouthwest Miramichi MLA, and Blackville resident, Jake Stewart recently released an album “Just A Smile Away” that will benefit The Josie Foundation Inc. The Josie Foundation was developed by Jake in honour of his grandmother Josie Sturge…
Read MoreThe holiday season is upon us and several businesses in Blackville are doing their part to help out those less fortunate. Blackville Trio Pizza is holding its 2nd Annual Christmas Food Drive between Monday, December 5 and Sunday, December 19. Bring i…
Read MoreSLAM Exploration Ltd. is pleased to report it has uncovered several quartz veins with visible gold within bedrock in a trenching operation underway at the recently acquired “Saint-Quentin” gold discovery in northwest New Brunswick. The vein in the trench photo contains multiple flecks of gold and is directly beneath the original gold-bearing boulders discovered by…
Read MoreSpread the word! Come check out our market! Lots of goodies just in time for Christmas! Paintings, arts, crafts, baked goods, and more! This Saturday December 10, 2011, 9am – 3pm. 32 MicMac Road (AAROM Fisheries Building – Former Lodge on Main Hwy) Giv'er MiramichiGiv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We…
Read MoreThere’s a whole lot of great activities and events happening in December at Sobeys in Douglastown! Kids’ Cooking Class There’s nothing like cooking with your children to get your family into the holiday spirit. Join the Sobeys Dietitian for this free class and enjoy some fun family time. Open to children of all ages. Children…
Read MoreMeterologists are predicting a cold winter, and Rotarians could not be happier with the ice possibilities. Registrations for the Miramichi Rotary Pond Hockey tournament 2012 are now being accepted, with the “Early Bird” deadline being December 15, 2011. Any team having their registration completed and team entry paid in full by this date will be…
Read MoreWhen my mother was a girl she would walk up the road every weekday morning with her siblings and friends to the old Mountain School, a traditional one-room schoolhouse in Gray Rapids on the Miramichi River in New Brunswick. I’ve grown up listening to stories of how children of all ages and grades learned their [Read More…]
Read MoreContent Developer Job Description: The Content Developer will work with the SMART Community Project Officer for Miramichi River Tourism Association. The primary objective of the MRTA is to support the development and promotion of the tourism industry i…
Read MoreHow we perceive the world is much dependent on how we perceive ourselves. If perception of self is jeopardized, so too is the life force – the spirit. Women diagnosed with cancer are unwilling witnesses to its debilitating affects. The core of self enters a limbo state; a realm of darkness. The change in appearance [Read More…]
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