Giv'er Miramichi
Giv'er MiramichiGiv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.
Read MoreMIRAMICHI – With the rivers, streams, brooks, ponds and lakes now open, she’s full-tilt once the brights start to enter the system. Already there are reports of a few bright trout on the Northwest and Little Southwest Miramichi Rivers, but generally, angling has reached “in between seasons”.
W. W. Doak and Sons in Doaktown said the water was a bit high and cool, and more rain was expected earlier this week. The river was not quite wade-able, and the pools weren’t identifiable. Angling was generally slow as the spring salmon season was ending and the bright sea trout and salmon had not arrived yet. They felt that realistically, it was still a bit early for bright fish, but they expected sea trout by the end of this week or next. There were also a few fiddleheads being reported, but they should be in full swing next week.
Read MoreFather’s Day is coming right up on June 17th and Bread ‘n Molasses is gearing up to explore our relationships with those special men in our lives —fathers! Have you written a short piece of fiction that celebrates fatherhood or perhaps explores the complex relationship between a father and child? Or maybe you have some [Read More…]
Read MoreThere was a great turn out throughout the Miramichi region on Monday. Mayor Gerry Cormier was victorious with his second term with 56% of the popular vote. The results throughout the region are as follows . . . Election Results for Miramichi City of Miramichi Gerry Cormier Mayor Lisa Harris Deputy mayor Nancy Lordon Brian…
Read MoreHorizon Health Network is pleased to announce Donald J. Peters, President and CEO was honored last week for the third consecutive year by Atlantic Business Magazine as one of Atlantic Canada’s most accomplished leaders. The Top 50 CEOs in Atlantic Canada award is based on the nominee’s corporate, community and industry involvement; their company’s growth…
Read MoreThe Annual Freeman Dunnett Moncton Conservation Dinner is being held on Thursday May 17th at the Crowne Plaza in Moncton
Read MoreOriginally written for my mother on the occasion of her 50th birthday in 2000. A mother and her first born share a unique bond formed early in the child’s life and strengthened through time. From the day of birth ignorance is an overwhelming challenge struggles happen daily and victories are small and mostly silent. It’s [Read More…]
Read MoreGrammie’s Back by Kellie Underhill When I was a kid I would often go and stay all night or even a week at my grandparent’s house in Gray Rapids. This was my exotic summer vacation on the farm. The kitchen seemed really big to me then, though it must have only seemed that way because [Read More…]
Read MoreBy Pauline Underhill One Saturday night in early July 2004 I went over to stay with Mom and Dad. It was a beautiful summer evening and I remember how bad I felt having to spend it inside instead of home on the deck (just a little of the guilt I feel now). Anyway, for about [Read More…]
Read MoreShe is … Caring & compassionate. Generous & giving. There in a heartbeat. No questions asked. Strong & powerful. Influential & admired. Best advice given … with or without words. Creative & imaginative. Storyteller & secret keeper. True friend to all who are blessed to know her. Baker & doughnut fryer. Cook & cake maker. [Read More…]
Read Moreby Stacy Underhill “Never put off until tomorrow, what you can do today.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this growing up, and it still rings true to me today. Some nights when I’m tempted to leave the sink full of dishes or leave a project incomplete and say, “I’ll finish that [Read More…]
Read MoreThis is a poem in honour of my mom for your Mother’s Day issue. My mother passed away in ’84 but I still have many fond memories of her. She was a school teacher and taught in many rural schools in the Miramichi. MY MOTHER She was quiet, but fun, She enjoyed a good laugh [Read More…]
Read MoreSpecial Note: Doug will be at Chapters Books Store in Fredericton this Saturday, May 12, from noon until 2 p.m. to sign copies of Salmon Country and his other works. Drop by to chat or to get your copy signed.
Miramichi – We are now approaching the “in-between” season as the last of spring salmon is winding down, and the brights haven’t yet arrived. There are some reports of trout, although most say they are black trout. There are hordes of smelt in some areas and lots of bass to contend with.
W. W. Doak and Sons in Doaktown said spring salmon angling was quietly winding down, but there were still salmon and grilse around, with some reported in the Boiestown area last weekend. However, they are tougher to catch. There have been reports of some black trout. Water conditions were good.
Flies of choice were Muddlers, and Mickey Finn and Black Ghost streamer patterns for trout.
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