Giv'er Miramichi
Flossing is an integral part of your oral health regimen; however, many people don’t spend enough time flossing their teeth, or they don’t floss at all. By flossing just once a day, you can decrease your risk of gum disease and increase your chances of maintaining good oral health throughout your lifetime.
Read MoreThe annual White Gold Dinner and Concert was held Sunday February 7th at the Beaverbrook Kin Centre in the Downtown Newcastle Business District. The sold out event was hosted by the 59th Miramichi Folksong Festival and featured special guest, Leander Mendoza. Also performing were Ian and Margaret Craig, Jack Wilson and David Bonnell, Susan Butler, Jimmy Lawlor, Bob McCallum and…
Read MoreThe NB Film Co-op invites you to a free screening event at NBCC-Miramichi this Saturday February 13th beginning at 7 pm. Come see award-winning New Brunswick short films, meet NB Film Co-op staff, learn how to get involved in filmmaking locally, and discover how to submit films to the Silver Wave Film Festival. Outside the…
Read More“Wake the Stone Man” is Nova Scotia author Carol McDougall’s latest novel and it is a very thought-provoking one. It won the 2013 Beacon Award for social justice literature, which is a prize for an unpublished novel. The issue of the mistreatment of Aboriginal children in residential schools set up by the Canadian government almost 100 years ago has been in the news for many years now as new facts come to light and the survivors are telling their stories.
Read MoreCongratulations to the Rock ‘n Roll Festival’s Chase the King Week 8 Winner Lee Hansen with Ticket #322. Lee won $53.60 in last week’s draw. He cut the 5 of Diamonds so the King of Spades remains in the deck.
Read MoreThe public is invited to participate in a Consultation Survey for the development of the 2016 Atlantic salmon Recreational Fishing plan in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Maritime Provinces). The objective of the survey is consult the Canadian public on the measures to use in the management of the 2016 Atlantic salmon recreational fishery, following a decision made by Fisheries and Oceans Canada to suspend the use of tags in the recreational fishery in 2015, making it mandatory to release all salmon back into the waters for conservation reasons.
Read MoreMusic/ Musique New Brunwick (MNB) is hitting the road and coming to Miramichi to spread the message — Do what you love and the money will follow! MNB is organizing an information session to help guide artists through the funding maze, and share thoughts on career trajectory and on how to build realistic sustainability for your music.
Read MoreThe Miramichi River Tourism Association (MRTA) says that more tourists will be coming to visit Miramichi. If you want to find out the details and learn how your business can benefit, the organization invites you to join them on Monday February 22nd at one of two Tourism Rallies they are hosting. “Come join us on…
Read MoreThe Miramichi Multicultural Association in partnership with NBCC-Miramichi hosted a Chinese New Year Celebration last night, Tuesday February 2nd, 2016. Chinese New Year is the most important celebration in China and is observed around the world. Also known as the Spring Festival, the first day of the Chinese New Year falls on the new moon between January 21st…
Read MoreAs The War Amps 2016 Key Tags are mailed to New Brunswick residents this week, the service marks 70 years of returning lost keys to their owners. Donations to the Key Tag Service assist members of The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program, including Drayden Sweeney, 9, of Miramichi. Drayden is a left leg amputee…
Read MoreAs 2016 marks the 150th anniversary of the final ship being built on Beaubears Island, the Friends of Beaubears Island will host an array of events throughout the year to commemorate the twilight of shipbuilding. The first of these will be an enlightening lecture series featuring seven Miramichi historians. Presentations will occur in the library…
Read MoreCongratulations to Brenda Goguen, the Rock ‘n Roll Festival’s Chase the King Week 7 Winner with ticket #156! Brenda won $53.60 for the draw. Her designate Rick Goguen cut the eight of Clubs so the King of Spades remains in the deck.
Read MoreThe SymposiumBDC team is very proud to announce the second Bay of Chaleur drawing & painting Symposium. Graciously hosted by the Village of Atholville, this event will showcase professional New Brunswick artists alongside a selection of the most dynamic visual artists from the Bay of Chaleur region.
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