Ten Romantic Date Night Ideas in Miramichi
“I got some platforms sitting in the corner. They wanna stroll on a city sidewalk. I got a dress that’ll show a little uh uh but you ain’t gettin’ uh uh if you don’t come pick me up Show me off (wow), You might be tired, but I’m not! I...
National Exhibition to be Held at Gallery 78 Jun 16 – Jul 9
In celebration of Canada 150 and its own 60th anniversary, The Society of Canadian Artists has elected to hold its annual national exhibition for 2017 at Gallery 78 in Fredericton. It is a tremendous honour for the gallery, for the city of Fredericton, and for the province of New Brunswick to...
MSA’s 8th Annual First Cast June 24-25
Do you love fly fishing and have a child or grandchild with whom you’d like to share the fun and satisfaction of the sport? Have you a friend who has often said, “I’d love to take up fly fishing for Atlantic salmon, but I don’t know where to start”? If...
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, June 15, 2017
From our archives: Anglers at the Depot Crown Reserve stretch. MIRAMICHI – With the ides of June upon us, there are salmon making their way into the river systems as we prepare for the summer season. Striped bass have just about finished spawning and are now...
Animaritime 2017
We’re back in 2017 for our 13th year, and we invite you to join over a thousand of your fellow fans as we hold our event in Fredericton to celebrate all things anime, manga, and gaming. Be ready for fanfare and a great time because we are excited for Carnival...
Northumberland Timbermart Now Carrying Selected Products from Miramichi Feeds
Northumberland Timbermart is pleased to announce that they are now carrying selected products from Miramichi Feeds. They are carrying the following Feeds, but can have any other products in stock by next day: Lay Ration Mash, 25kg Lay Ration Crumbs, 25kg Hen Scratch,25 kg Turkey Starter Medium-ctd, 25kg Turkey Grower...
ALS Walkstrong Event at French Fort Cove
In June, the ALS Society of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia will celebrate ALS Awareness Month by hosting their annual ALS Walkstrong fundraiser. The ALS Walkstrong brings together almost 1000 walkers, donors, clients and volunteers in both provinces to raise money and awareness. The Miramichi ALS Walkstrong event will be...
Father’s Day
Dad showed you how to throw a ball, change a tire and is always there for you. We all know the Dad who has everything so that’s why here at Discover Miramichi we have come up with some unique gift ideas. For the Dad who would like to see his...
Book Review: “Living Up to a Legend” by Diana Bishop
by James M. Fisher, The Miramichi Reader Subtitled My Adventures with Billy Bishop’s Ghost, Diana Bishop’s memoirs of her grandfather, WWI Canadian flying ace Billy Bishop, is an insightful, moving look at growing up in the shadow of a legend. Living Up to a Legend (Dundurn, 2017) is full of important moments...
Miramichi’s Most Instagram Worthy Spots
1. French Fort Cove Hiking Trails – with towering trees and rushing streams, find the perfect nature shot here #mothersday Sunday stroll A post shared by D A V E G I L L H A M (@davegillham) on May 15, 2017 at 8:06pm PDT 2. Miramichi Golf Club –...
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, June 8, 2017
Jeff Morris with a nice bright salmon caught on the Northwest Miramichi, Saturday, June 3. MIRAMICHI – The sea trout run has petered out except for the above Boiestown area. There are some river trout and still some striped bass in places. Bright salmon are gradually...
A Taste of Miramichi: Fundy Line Restaurant
This year, Miramichi will enjoy four weeks of featured menus at 14 restaurants around the river. A Taste of Miramichi, the Miramichi Chamber of Commerce’s dining event, runs from May 15th until June 11th, 2017. Each participating restaurant will showcase a three-course menu (with two options for appetizer, entree, and...
Build your own backyard arbor bench
As summer approaches (and garden excitement grows) it’s always fun to make the most of the outdoors, especially do-it-yourself weekend projects like this functional (and comfortable) arbor bench. Following is a detailed outline of the basic steps and recommended materials, but remember: this is your bench, so feel free to...