Book Review: “For the Love of It: 60 Years of the Miramichi Folksong Festival” by Susan Butler
by James M. Fisher, The Miramichi Reader The Miramichi Folksong Festival has been held continuously for 60 years now, making it the longest standing folk song festival in Canada. Its director (and a performer) of the past 35 years is the irrepressible Susan Butler, a true “Miramichier” if there ever...
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, July 13, 2017
MIRAMICHI – Once again this week, there is a slight improvement in the number of fish coming into the system, but still no great run. However, if slow and steady wins the race, we’ll take it. Ledges guide Kyle Price with Grilse caught this week by...
2017 Chatham Head Days & 41st Oldtimers Tournament
The 2017 edition of Chatham Head Days and the 41st Oldtimers Tournament is coming right up, running from July 29th through August 7th! Schedule Chatham Head Days & 41st Oldtimers Tournament: Saturday, July 29th: 6 pm Oldtimers Banquet Sunday, July 30th: 2 pm King & Queen Pageant 4-6 pm Supper:...
Sarah Cooper Wins Over $1000 by making BEST PURCHASE EVER at Lounsbury Miramichi
Gisele Comeau (Fairstone Branch Manager), Sarah Cooper (Winner), Perry Deveaux (Salesperson) and Michael Landry (Store Manager) What’s the BEST PURCHASE EVER? The one you don’t have to pay back. And that’s exactly what happened for Miramichier Sarah Cooper when she purchased bedroom furniture at Lounsbury Furniture...
Encounters & Tea with Lord Beaverbrook Back for 2017 Season!
Come for tea and scones and meet Sir Maxwell Aiken, Lord Beaverbrook! When: Every Monday this summer at 1:30 pm through August 28th, 2017. Where: 518 King George Highway, Lord Beaverbrook's boyhood home Returning as Lord Beaverbrook, Kevin Brawn! He will give you a glimpse of the man himself, his role...
MAST – Miramichi Area Art Studio Tours
July 28-30th Visit local artists, writers, folk artists and artisans during the first annual Miramichi Area Art Studio Tours. Artists from across the region will be opening their homes and studios for visitors during the weekend of July 28-30th in a celebration of the arts community! The Miramichi region is...
MSA Spotlight on Guide, Camp Manager/Owner Mervin Green
When first arriving at Mervin Green’s home I was fully expecting to hear some great fishing tales about guiding on the Miramichi River. What I walked away with was 3 hours of stories about adventures across Canada and reasons why women are the best fisherman to guide. Although born in...
Miramichi Festival of Tall Ships July 7-9, 2017
This weekend the river comes alive with the Miramichi Festival of Tall Ships! On Friday July 7th, 2017 welcome the Tall Ships from the shore. Ships set sail from Escuminac at 12 noon to dock in Chatham and Newcastle. Enjoy live music from 6-8 pm on the wharfs Friday and...
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, July 6, 2017
The Coalition for Better Salmon Management, (CBSM), has put out a press release calling on DFO to reinstate Grilse harvest tags for the balance of the 2017 salmon fishing season. The press release can be viewed on its website at MIRAMICHI – Numbers of fish in the Miramichi system...
Beaubears Island Tall Ship Programming
As the fair winds and brighter days are now upon us, the people of the Miramichi know that these fine breezes carry with them the much-vaunted vessels of the Festival of Tall Ships on the Miramichi. Among the many locales where our province’s rich maritime history will be lauded, the...
Join the Local Food Revolution with La Terre Partagée
by Rébeka Frazer-Chiasson Three years ago, I wrote in Giv'er Miramichi about my travels in Central America and my project of starting a Community Supported Agriculture program where people would sign up as members and in exchange receive a weekly supply of local and organic vegetables and fruit. The following...
Summer Fun at Miramichi Dragway
2016 NHRA photo by Chris O'Neill Drag racing is getting better and better at Miramichi Dragway. Last year’s upgrades have resulted in some new track records and personal bests for many Maritime racers. With big events coming up in July and August, it is likely more...
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, June 29, 2017
This weekend we move through June and into July. Canadians will celebrate 150 years as a country on Saturday, July 1. So we wish all a Happy Canada Day! As well we extend similar greetings to our Americans as they will celebrate their country’s birthday on Tuesday, July 4. [caption...