Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, November 2, 2017
NEXT WEEK: The Christmas Shopping List MIRAMICHI – Another angling season is in the books. The last three weeks of the season provided very good salmon angling, but we must wait to see the final numbers to make a proper assessment. Striped bass also picked up during the final weeks...
NBCC’s Oasis mentors help new small business owners get on their feet.
By Gail Harding, CBC News A program that helps college graduates trying to start their own businesses is expanding and is now adding Fredericton to the communities where experienced business people help those starting out. The Oasis program began as a pilot project in 2014 in Miramichi after the New...
Puzzle Play – In Support of Autism Resources Miramichi Inc.
On June 1st, 2017 Autism Resources Miramichi Inc. (ARM) was proud to be one of the newest non-profit organizations to launch a 50/50 toonie draw. For just $2 a week your name will go into one of our puzzle boxes for a chance to win 50 percent of the jackpot!...
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, October 26, 2017
MIRAMICHI – The only remaining salmon rivers open until October 29 are the Bartibog, Tabusintac and Burnt Church Rivers which are all very low water at present. If we get the rain that is forecast for today, perhaps there will be an opportunity to encounter some fall fish in these...
Join us for our first Comedy Night “Fishing for Laughs”
Join us November 18th, 2017 at the Vogue Theatre in Miramichi, NB for our first comedy night featuring Jimmy MacKinley! Proceeds go towards MSA Conservation. See poster for details.
City Leaf Pickup Schedule – 2017
The City of Miramichi advises residents that FERO will be picking up leaves separate from regular household garbage on November 18th. See poster for details.
Insulation 101
Insulation isn’t just that fluffy pink stuff that you see when a wall is opened up, and it’s certainly not something you never have to think about again once your house has been built. There are different types of insulation for the different areas of your home, from the interior...
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, October 19, 2017
CORRECTION: Last week I inadvertently gave out wrong information regarding the daily retention number of stripped bass. I had stated “two” which was wrong. As of September 1 until October 31 the daily retention is ONE FISH ONLY between 50-75 centimeters. Here’s the end product of...
Miramichi Tales at the Vogue – Oct. 21
On October 21, the Miramichi’s own Heritage Players will present their newest theatrical offering, Miramichi Tales - From the Headwaters to the Baie, a play retelling a handful of some not-so-familiar stories from our river in honour of the 150th anniversary of Confederation. The show was done in collaboration with...
Help a Family This Christmas with The Salvation Army Miramichi
OPPORTUNITIES TO GIVE: SPONSOR A FAMILY Provide food and/or toys and gifts for Christmas. Call to register. Families will be assigned to sponsors after Nov 18th.. CHRISTMAS KETTLE CAMPAIGN – Nov. 20th – Dec 23rd GIVE THE GIFT OF YOUR TIME - 2 ½ hr shifts Monday through Saturday at...
War Memories In Song/Soldiers of Song
Over 30 years ago the Miramichi Folksong Festival held its first Remembrance Day Dinner/ Concert at the Beaverbrook Kin Centre, featuring music of the war years. This year War Memories in Song will be replaced with “ Soldiers of Song” on Sunday November 5th at Carrefour Beausoleil. In celebration of...
This Old Thing
This month Bernie Colepaugh of Miramichi Folklore Park in Renous has sent us another photo to see if our readers can identify it... Do you know what this is? What is this Old Thing? Also, one of our readers submitted an item he wants help identifying....
Operation Christmas Shoe Box – Sending Christmas Parcels to Our Canadian Soldiers
by Brenda Daigle Soldier J and Brenda Daigle 2017 Operation Christmas Shoe Box marks 10 years in 2017. The campaign has served as an outlet for the people of the Miramichi region to show how much we appreciate the many sacrifices our Canadian Military make on...