Miramichi Parade of Lights 2018
Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus just confirmed their availability in attending the Historic Chatham Business District Parade of Lights. The parade will be held Friday December 7th, 2018 Registration forms are available at Pizza Delight -Chatham, 1670 Water Street and the Historic Chatham Business District office 1745 Water Street. The theme...
Hospice Miramichi Inc.’s 4th Annual – 2018 Home for the Holidays
Hospice Miramichi Inc.'s 4th Annual - 2018 Home for the Holidays The Hospice Miramichi Inc.'s 4th Annual - 2018 Home for the Holidays will be taking place at the Hospice Miramichi Inc., 14 Howard Street in the former Town of Chatham (Miramichi East), directly behind the Saint Michael's the...
November and December 2018 Happenings and Events at the Saint Raphael’s Roman Catholic Church, Blackville, New Brunswick
November and December 2018 Happenings and Events at the Saint Raphael's Roman Catholic Church, Blackville, New Brunswick The Saint Raphael’s Roman Catholic Church is located at 107 Main Street in the Village of Blackville, less than an hour from the City of Miramichi. There are many happenings and events at...
Environmental Trust Fund Applications Now Being Accepted
Environmental Trust Fund Applications Now Being Accepted FREDERICTON (GNB) - The Department of Environment and Local Government is now accepting applications for funding under the Environmental Trust Fund. “The Environmental Trust Fund is a long-standing and successful program that encourages environmental initiatives that help build a better New Brunswick for today...
Kim Harris Photography Portraits with Santa Claus 2018
Kim Harris Photography Portraits with Santa Claus 2018 It is that time of the year again for Portraits with Santa Claus! Look no further than to check out Kim Harris of Kim Harris Photography! From November 17th to December 15th, she will be making memories with her camera and Santa...
Christmas Craft Sale Season is Here!
Christmas Craft Sales, Yard Sales and Bake Sales are popping up everywhere across the Miramichi Region, and they are starting early this year! We have so many talented crafters, artists and artisans in the area, working in a variety of mediums. Craft sales are the perfect opportunity to support local,...
Miramichi Halloween Safety and Curfew
Miramichi Halloween Safety and Curfew Tonight the streets will be filled with ghosts and goblins, princesses and superheroes. As always, there are a few important Halloween safety guidelines that should be observed to ensure the night runs smoothly. Please note: Halloween curfew is 8:00 pm. In the City of Miramichi, Miramichi Transit...
A Tribute to Raymond Fraser 1941-2018
A Tribute to Raymond Fraser 1941-2018 by James Fisher It was with great sadness that I learned of Raymond Fraser’s passing the other day. Sharon, his ex-wife had posted on his Facebook feed that Ray was ill and in hospital in Fredericton. He wasn’t suffering, she said and he soon...
2018 Miramichi Pyjama Drive
2018 Miramichi Pyjama Drive Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Chatham, the 2018 Miramichi Pyjama Drive is back! It will begin on November 2nd to December 7th! Donate a pair of new pyjamas - Childrens to Adults XL and help keep a child or adult warm this winter! The following...
Miramichi Owl In Flight “Edie Szabo-Englehart Oil Painting Class”
Miramichi Owl In Flight “Edie Szabo-Englehart Oil Painting Class” The Miramichi Owl In Flight “Edie Szabo-Englehart Oil Painting Class” will be taking place on Saturday, December 1st, 2018 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. It will be held a at the Saint James and Saint John United Church Centre 556 King George Highway,...
Purse Sale In Support Of New Brunswick Chapter of Special Olympics Canada – Miramichi Region
Purse Sale In Support Of New Brunswick Chapter of Special Olympics Canada - Miramichi Region A Purse Sale In Support Of New Brunswick Chapter of Special Olympics Canada – Miramichi Region, will be held on Saturday, November 17th, 2018, at Sobeys located at 2485 King George Highway, Miramichi (Douglastown) The event will...
The Miramichi Chamber of Commerce 20th Annual Business Awards Gala
The Miramichi Chamber of Commerce 20th Annual Business Awards Gala On Thursday, October 18, 2018, the Miramichi business community gathered to honor the 20th Business Award winners. Congratulations To Our Winners: Newcomer Business Award: Mark Donnelly, Swiss Chalet & Harvey’s Business Award of Excellence: Jeff Cox, Gray Rock Construction Employee...
2018 Miramichi Zombie Walk and BBQ Fundraiser
2018 Miramichi Zombie Walk and BBQ Fundraiser Please note the correction to venue, it is at Waterford Green The Dr. Losier Middle School Drama Club is organizing a Zombie Walk & BBQ fundraiser on Saturday, October 27th, 2018 from 12:00 pm noon to 2:30 pm at Waterford Green, in Chatham...