World Tai Chi Day- April 27th 2019
by Dave Bucklow Celebrating our 20th YearRitchie Wharf Park 10amOriental Arts Tai Chi & Qi Gong ClubPublic Demonstration The last Saturday in April (April 27th)will once again see us at Ritchie Wharf Park providing a public demonstration of this amazingly Healthy Oriental Art. Perfectly suited for Seniors, this slow moving...
SNAP® is a simple technique that causes children to stop and think before they act and make better choices in the moment. This 13-week program is delivered in local schools by Boys & Girls Club Staff to boys and girls ages 6 to 11. SELF-CONTROL: The Heart of the MatterSNAP®...
Thank You! and Highlights of the Year from the Rotary Club of Newcastle.
Since the charter of the club in 1943, members of the Rotary Club of Newcastle have dedicated time and effort to fundraising and volunteer activities in support of community projects and international endeavours - this past year was no exception! To highlight just a few, we have made donations to...
Mary’s Tips & Tricks for your Hair
by Mary Mitchell, Studio M Hair Lets Talk about Colour! I have spent many years in the beauty industry working with colour teams, colour companies, teaching colour, helping to develop and launch colour lines, and studying with chemists to understand colour. Colour is a powerful tool that is limitless. Colour...
Beaubear Credit Union Annual General Meeting
The Beaubear Credit Union will be hosting their Annual General Meeting beginning at 6 pm on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019 at the Beaverbrook Kin Centre, 100 Newcastle Boulevard. All Beaubear Credit Union Members are invited to attend. Their Annual General Meeting is a great opportunity to connect with other members,...
Mother’s Day Concert with “The Villagers Chorus” at the Saint Andrew’s United Church
Looking for a nice way to celebrate Mother's Day for your Mom, Grandmother, or that special "Mother" figure in your life? Why not come out to a Mother's Day Concert with "The Villagers Chorus" It will be at the Saint Andrew's United Church, 188 Wellington Street, Miramichi East - Chatham...
Nelson Doyle Dancers Spring Fashion Show and Tea
Come out and bring yourself, a friend or a family member to the Miramichi Beaverbrook Kinsmen Centre, located at 100 Newcastle Boulevard, in the former Town of Newcastle on Saturday, May 11th, 2019! It will be the Nelson Doyle Dancers Spring Fashion Show and Tea! Tickets are available for just...
75th Annivesary of D-Day ‘JUNO Student Trip 2019’ Fund Raiser ‘STORMING JUNO’
Miramichi Legion Branch #10 will be hosting in conjunction with the National Canada Film Day, a screening of Storming Juno a docu drama depicting Canada's roll in the 6 June 1944. D-Day invasion, 16 April 2019 at Carrefour Beuasoleil, Gilles LaPlante Theatre. Doors open at 7pm. This is a fundraising...
Haiti Village Health’s Annual Horizon Health Harmonies for Haiti
Dr. Tiffany Keenan with child in Haiti Haiti Village Health’s annual Horizon Health Harmonies for Haiti will be held on Friday, May 10th at 7pm at Carrefour Beausoleil auditorium. The evening features musical performances by local physicians and medical staff. Enjoy a fun-filled evening of fine...
We’re Gearing up for Rotary RibFest – May 24-26, 2019
The Rotary Club of Newcastle is gearing up for their annual RibFest, the weekend of May 24-26, 2019. This weekend event will take place in the downtown parking area in front of the library off Ledden Street. Running concurrently will be the city sponsored “Striper Cup” fishing competition, so the...
Dessert Theatre – Tall & True
The so-called “Beaubears Island Players” have really done it this time. The informal community theatre troupe, assembled by the Friends of Beaubears Island, has, since 2014, brought history to life on the stage, but they’ve never done anything quite like this. In their pursuit to help raise funds to extend...
Exploring Mi’kmaq Culture at Gretna Green School – The Next 150 Challenge
Students signed their names to indicate their commitment to change and understanding cultural differences. by Margaret H. Chase Anglophone North School District has challenged all schools to become champions of Change and Reconciliation, thus incorporating an indigenous perspective in the District. The first 150 challenge was...
North and South Esk Regional High School (NSER Alumni) 6th Annual Spring Fashion Show
On Saturday, April 13th, 2019, beginning at 7 pm, The North and South Esk Regional High School (NSER) Alumni will be hosting their 6th Annual Fashion Show at the North and South Esk Regional High School Cafeteria, located at 40 Northwest Road in Sunny Corner, New Brunswick. Following Fashions: The...