Well I had another lovely drive home from work tonight amidst the slush & muck. I didnt dare take my eyes off the road to look over at Leslie but I'm sure he was clutching the dashboard as we both avoided staring into the onslaught of snow. Because that will...
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It's Snowing!!!
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Good morning everyone! Well it's Monday morning, and despite the fact that the day started off as a typical Monday (spilled coffee on my shirt, bad hair day etc.), I'm having a great day! Mel and I went to our new apartment yesterday to figure out what we need, where...
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I'm blogging from home, on the Mac, and the blogger screen looks way different from what I am used to so if this doesnt work we'll blame it on the Mac/PC war. I attended a soapmaking class the other night which I really enjoyed. The topic is one I've been...
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I am such a bad blogger....I've been trying to get back to it for so long because I have so much to say! But by now much of it is old the Friday night I worked late and ended up in the trunk of my car...then there's the king...
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Happy belated Canadian Thanksgiving! I've been crazy busy with the October issue of Bread 'n Molasses, which if I don't get it up and running soon will be the November issue. 🙂 Just kidding. It's going to up really soon and there will be another in November, no worries about...
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I subscribe to a newsletter called "Insight of the Day" and they email me an insightful quote every day. I like it because it's really quick and usually gets my brain working and thinking about different things. On Friday, rather than just sending a quote they send an insightful story...
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My mother asked me to tape the television show “Ed” for her last night. She saw a preview somewhere and thought it looked like a good show. So I slipped in the tape, hit record and went to my computer to work. I sat at the opposite end of the...
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There's a nice little article in Macleans magazine this week about our very own David Adams Richards. I haven't read his latest yet. I just recently finished The Bay of Love and Sorrows because I knew the movie would be out on video soon and I always like to read...
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I bet you're wondering where the promised October issue of Bread 'n Molasses has gotten itself to. I think somewhere in the recent past I may have mentioned some minor concerns about system upgrades maybe knocking my whole publishing process out of kilter and slowing me down. Well, you know...
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Hello! I'm just popping in to share some good news. If you've come here by way of Mighty Miramichi to meet Colleen, please scroll to the next post. The numbers are in for the month of September and Bread 'n Molasses received a whopping 4,182 visits last month, which is...
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Hi! My name is Colleen Kennedy and I am the newest addition here at Mighty Miramichi. I am working as part of the sales team and I must say, I am really enjoying it. How could a person not enjoy going out and socializing with other people all day?? It's...
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Hello everyone, Stacy here, officially making my debut in the world of blogging. I'm really busy right now but I promised Kellie I'd come in and at least introduce I am! I have a lot of stuff on my plate today... making changes & updates to a few websites...
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