Last night I had a dentist appointment at 5:30. I love my dentist! I've been seeing him for a couple of years now and he's the best dentist I've ever had. In the past I've had problems with swelling and bruising from man-handling while my face was frozen. And once...
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I watched some of the Canada A.M. broadcast this morning live from Halifax Harbour. I knew Gary Beals and Richie Wilcox from Canadian Idol were scheduled guests and I was interested to learn what they've been up to since the show ended. Unfortunately, I didn't really learn much about them....
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Since it is the first of the month, I just checked out the reports for October and wow! We had 11,458 visits last month! The report function is pretty cool. It tells us how many visits & hits the site gets, broken down daily & hourly, which pages are...
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It's been a couple of weeks since my last blog and quite a bit has happened since then. Mel and I moved into our new apartment - finally!! I was really anxious to move in. I have lived by myself for the last couple of years and I found it...
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I read an interesting editorial today in the Rabble ezine. "The Suggestion Box in the Apricot Tree" by Anuradha Vittachi gives a lot to think about. Regardless of your personal views about the particular project in Kenya, I think the main point of this article is an important one that...
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Sunday is my day to watch tv. I'm a big pop culture junkie and I watch a lot of tv anyway, but Sunday is the day when I tune into Book Television (the channel) and the CBC. I watch Richler Ink, CBC News Sunday, Hot Type, Arts & Minds, Inside...
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I'm lov'in the new office! Lots of room, nice big window, the ducks are hanging on the wall (Misty Morning Woodies Ducks Unlimited). We've had to flourescent lights off all day but now it's getting dark outside. Had to turn on the lamp. We really feel a difference in our...
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"The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become." Heraclitus 535-475 BC (approximately),...
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Boy, was I ever surprised when I came to the office today!! Everything was in a pile in the middle of a room on another floor in another part of the building. Terry says it's all part of the company fitness program, this moving every six months. Stacy says our...
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Today turned out to be quite interesting. We had our staff meeting. Melanie gave us an overview of the book she just read (see list on the left) and highly recommends it to everyone. It sounds to be a useful tool for any business person in understanding and communicating with...
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Today is Friday which means it is my "admin" day at Mighty Miramichi. Which basically means organizing all the past weeks events and planning the next week ahead. On this day I review all current projects in progress, making sure everything is on schedule. I update the database and accounting...
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A beautiful day in Miramichi!! Giv'er, you're on the river!
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Is the rain getting you down? I had a hard time this morning convincing myself that I am in a good mood! We all make the choice, each day, as to what kind of mood we'll be in. Unless of course there are extenuating circumstances, but you get my drift....
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