Local Author Launches New Book
Wayne Curtis to unveil “Of Earthly and River Things” at the official Miramichi launch of his new memoir. Join Wayne at Books Inn, 144 Newcastle Boulevard in Miramichi on Friday, October 12 at 6:30pm. This is a free event. Books will be available for purchase. In this new collection of...
First annual Wellness/Holistic Fair in Miramichi
The 50 foot Labyrinth at Carrefour Beausoleil is a replica of the one in the Chartres Cathedral in France. The first annual Wellness/Holistic Fair in Miramichi happens next Saturday, October 20th from 10 am to 5 pm at Carrefour Beausoleil, 300 Beaverbrook Road. Approximately 50 booths...
Broodstock Collection Video – Burnt Hill Brook
The Miramichi Salmon Association works closely with government and non-government organizations to help keep the Miramichi River stocked with Atlantic salmon. JD Irving recently posted a video to Youtube discussing the broodstock collection and subsequent stocking of salmon fry at Burnt Hill Brook on the Southwest Miramichi River. MSA President...
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, October 4, 2012
With the fall foliage starting to hit full stride, bird season upon us, it is time for some blast n cast. This combined with a very good raise in water, and somewhat more positive counts from the trapnets, it is time to dust off the old fishing rod again. The...
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, October 4, 2012
With the fall foliage starting to hit full stride, bird season upon us, it is time for some blast n cast. This combined with a very good raise in water, and somewhat more positive counts from the trapnets, it is time to dust off the old fishing rod again. The...
Women of Influence Night
The Women of Miramichi Entrepreneurial Network (WOMEN) has announced it will hold a "Women of Influence Night" on December 1, 2012 at Rodd Miramichi River Hotel. WOMEN is Miramichi’s only female entrepreneurial network serving the greater Miramichi area. "Women of Influence Night" will be the WOMEN network’s first Awards Ceremony...
Local Business Launches First Mobile Community in Province
Mighty Community Group (MCG) in Miramichi, NB, has launched a new mobile application for their community web portals product. “With over 13 million smartphones in Canada and growing, we have to position our community to be mobile friendly,” said Terry Matchett, MCG President. “Smartphones are not a fad, this segment...
Bruno Bobak 1923-2012
Long time friend and donor to the Miramichi Salmon Association, Bruno Bobak, passed away in Fredericton on September 24th. The notice from McAdam’s Funeral Home follows. The family of Bruno Bobak wish to announce his passing on Monday, September 24 following a brief battle with cancer. Bruno leaves behind Molly...
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 27, 2012
MIRAMICHI – When out and about this Thursday to Saturday at dark, make sure to wear some Hunter Orange, especially if you are off the beaten track and traveling through trails to pools as it is the annual 3-day moose hunt, and many hunters will be out in pursuit of...
Save Our Railway!
Does Atlantic Canada deserve better rail passenger service? If your answer is "yes", this is the opportunity you've been waiting for! National Dream Renewed is an initiative of Transport Action – the country's leading citizen transportation advocacy group – to gather Canadians' views of VIA Rail, and their suggestions on...
Northumberland Sport Fair Celebrates the Importance of Sports in Miramichi
The Department of Culture, Tourism and Healthy Living in collaboration with the City of Miramichi is pleased to invite you to the Northumberland Sport Fair. This free event will be held on Saturday, September 29th at Miramichi Valley High School from 1:00-4:00pm. In recognition of the National Sport Day in...
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 27, 2012
MIRAMICHI – When out and about this Thursday to Saturday at dark, make sure to wear some Hunter Orange, especially if you are off the beaten track and traveling through trails to pools as it is the annual 3-day moose hunt, and many hunters will be out in pursuit of...
Countdown to Culture Days: Historic Paintout in Miramichi
Chatham’s historic downtown will be pulsing with the creative passion of artists this Saturday as members of the Miramichi Art Core take to the streets for a Paintout in celebration of Culture Days. This is the second year the Miramichi Art Core will participate in Culture Days with a Historic...