Growing Miramichi: One Garden at a Time
Growing Miramichi: One Garden at a Time by Joash Schumpelt Volunteer garden members help maintain the Big Ferry Road Community Garden. Today I want to tell you about an amazing place in our community. It’s a place where I go to save money and to get...
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 11, 2014
This week’s report is very similar to many this season. Anglers are still waiting and hoping for a Fall run. Thus far there have been only several fresh fish on average coming in each day, and the majority of those hooked are dark fish which have been in the system...
Healthy Eating Made Easy
Healthy Eating Made Easy by Margaret Young, RD, MSc Sobeys Registered Dietitian Breakfast is the best way to start your day. Fall is a time of new beginnings, new routines and new resolutions. We move from the lazy days of summer to the busyness of fall...
Tourism in Miramichi Region Piloting New Technology Initiatives
Tourism Councillors Mike Quann and Mia Losier demonstrate the mapping platform on the SMART Board. The Miramichi River Tourism Association (MRTA) will soon wrap up another summer season at the Visitor Information Centre on Highway 11. The season has so far seen a steady stream of...
Find Daily Restaurant Specials
Find out today's Restaurant Specials. It happens all the time—you decide to go out for a meal but then you can't decide where or what exactly you'd like to eat. Wouldn't it be wonderful to know the daily specials at a variety of local restaurants to...
Meals on Wheels Program Available in Blackville
Are you unable to prepare meals for yourself or have a loved one in this situation? That is the reason Meals on Wheels is here. Freshly prepared meals are available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays of every week. To see if you are eligible for funding assistance for meals, please...
Little Miss Buckaroo
With all the hype today about bullying, I think back to the various forms of bullying when I was a kid, remembering my nickname was ‘Buckaroo’! Perhaps, I sucked my thumb too much as a child, or perhaps my upper jaw was misaligned over the lower jaw, causing my top...
Career Opportunities at SYKES Miramichi
Stephanie Renfrew-Anthony, a single mother of five, joined SYKES Miramichi just over a year ago and has since advanced to become the company receptionist. Stephanie grew up in Ontario and decided to move here when she was researching places to live in Canada. She discovered Miramichi and felt it would...
Blood Donor Clinic – September 29, 2014
A blood donor clinic will be held on Monday, September 29, 2014 at the Newcastle Lions Club, 324 Morrison Lane in Miramichi from 2 - 4 pm and 5:30 – 8:30 pm. Call 1-888-2-DONATE or visit us Walk-ins and new donors are welcome.
Miramichi Timberwolves New Season
Locals Brett Malone (12) and Billy Gaston (11) will be back with the team for their senior year. The Miramichi Timberwolves 2014/ 2015 schedule is a fan-friendly one. The home portion of the schedule features 21 Saturday games, two Friday games and one Sunday afternoon matinee....
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 4, 2014
LAST CHANCE FOR HALL OF FAME BANQUET TICKETS Atlantic Salmon Museum Hall of Fame 2014 DOAKTOWN - The Atlantic Salmon Museum in Doaktown, New Brunswick, will host its annual Hall of Fame Awards Banquet on Saturday, September 6th. The Hall of Fame Awards Banquet is the museum’s annual fundraising gala...
Knights of Columbus Hosting Giant Yard Sale
On Saturday, September 6 the Father Barry Council 7481 Knights of Columbus will be hosting a giant community yard sale at their hall in Quarryville. The sale will be held from 8:00am to 5:00pm. Large assortment of items including clothing, household items, dvd movies and more! A barbeque and refreshments...
Blood Donor Clinic September 29, 2014
A blood donor clinic will be held on Monday, September 29, 2014 at the Newcastle Lions Club, 324 Morrison Lane in Miramichi from 2 - 4 pm and 5:30 – 8:30 pm. Call 1-888-2-DONATE or visit us Walk-ins and new donors are welcome.