Fundraising Gospel Evening for Silas Jardine
Voice of Hope Ministries will be hosting a Gospel Evening fundraising benefit for Silas Jardine of Blackville on Sunday, November 22 at 6:30pm. Fellowship to follow. Free will offering. Come on out and show your support to Silas, who is a wonderful member of our community and a dedicated volunteer....
Courage in the Storm: A Tale of William Davidson Tonight at the Vogue
With tonight being the night they return to the stage, the cast and crew of Courage in the Storm: A Tale of William Davidson are getting excited. The play, well received when it was first staged in April, will be reprised for one night only at the Vogue Theatre (50 Cunard...
Home for the Holidays at Hospice Miramichi
For those wanting to get a touch of the festive season early they only have to drop by Hospice Miramichi this weekend for the first Annual "Home for the Holidays" Christmas Tree Silent Auction and Home Tour! The event kicked off last night and will run through the weekend. Rooms and halls...
October Update from Councillor Tony “Bucket” Walsh
All council attended the Municipalities Conference in Fredericton, from November 2nd to the 4th. It was an educational symposium and learning experience for Councillor Lordon and myself. It is final that the lights on King George Highway and Radio Street will no longer be operating. There are stop signs and...
Nancy Mullin’s Favourite Photos from the Summer
A Fourteen Spotted Lady Beetle Nancy Mullin was born in Nelson and after being gone for 38 years, she and her husband both love living on the Miramichi and being close to family. After retiring they moved to Quarryville where she enjoys taking photos of wildlife....
Fall – A Poem by Lura Somers
Fall Late in August, you feel the chill, Summer has somewhat lost its thrill, In September, the trees take on a hue, And once again Fall sneaks up on you. With a splash of colour here and there, We see God's handiwork everywhere! It seems He has taken His paint...
Brushing Basics: Tips for Your Family
Knowing how to brush your teeth is an important skill that children should learn at an early age. However, some children—and even adults—aren't always doing what they should when brushing their teeth. Be sure that your kids—and you—are brushing the right way. Should parents help children brush their teeth? Yes!...
Small Changes can Lead to Big Results!
By Live Well! Bien Vivre! While education is a necessary component to achieve sustainable behaviour change, it is not sufficient on its own. Education, coupled with health coaching, has been found to be significantly more effective in achieving lasting behaviour change. Need help making healthy lifestyle changes? A health coach...
Choose the Right Furniture for Your Life
by Lauren Walls, Interior Decorator Renaud’s BrandSource The decision to purchase a new piece of upholstered furniture can be a big one. Especially when we have so many fabric options and considerations to make, but that decision can be made easier by asking yourself the following questions. 1. Who uses...
Here We Grow Again!
A new and exciting store recently opened at 102 Ellen Street around the Square in the Downtown Newcastle Business District. You'll find Pabi's Hobby & Collectibles next to Siddalls Jewellers. The owner, Ian Nicholson, has been involved with the acquisition of a variety of collectible items for over 35 years....
Chatham 75: From World War to Cold War – Ever Prepared, Never Forgotten!
Information and photos submitted by Kevin N. Anderson, CD, Retired Captain and Executive Director of the New Brunswick Aviation Museum The New Brunswick Aviation Museum is hosting a reunion from July 8-10, 2016 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the opening of Royal Canadian Air Force Station/ Canadian Forces Base Chatham. The reunion is...
Fabulous Fall Photos Submitted by our Readers
Enjoy Fabulous Fall Photos submitted by our readers! We had a beautiful Fall season that included many spectacular sunsets in an array of colours. We received a lot of great photo submissions but didn't have room to print them all in the November issue of Giv'er Miramichi. So we've created...
The BIG Miramichi Closet Clean Out
The Miramichi SPCA and New Brunswick Association for Community Living have partnered together to help raise much needed funding for programs in the Miramichi region. Drop off your donations of unwanted clothing to help support these two great causes. The funds raised through their clothing drive will help support children and...