Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, July 28, 2016
Angling had been decent to quite good last weekend before the heat brought fishing to a crawl, and the implementation of the closure of identified cold water pools. Sunset at Ledges. Photo submitted by Derek Munn Notice to Recreational Anglers Fisheries and Oceans Canada Gulf Region:...
Dream Cottage Draw Happens Friday
Dream Cottage keys will be handed to a Winner this Friday, July 29th. You could be the winner when you get tickets in the Draw for this year’s Dream Cottage. The two bedroom Dream Cottage is built to new home standards, ready to live in year round. Big Brothers Big...
59th Miramichi Folksong Festival July 31st – August 5th
by Susan Butler Tickets sales are brisk for the Miramichi Folksong Festival, with the closing Country Tribute Dinner/ Concert having completely sold out! Never in my 34 years as director of this festival have we sold out this far in advance. Set for Sunday July 31st to Friday August 5th,...
Benefit Concert for Gerard Comeau August 7th
A Benefit Concert for Gerard Comeau will be held on Sunday August 7th, 2016 in the Nelson Community Hall at 102 Islandview Drive, Miramichi. Performances will start at 1 pm and there will be plenty of musical entertainment. There will also be a BBQ, Chowder, Chili, and canteen available as...
21st Annual SSNB-Miramichi Cow Patty Bingo at MacDonald Farm
Join the Schizophrenia Society of NB - Miramichi (SSNB) and MacDonald Farm for a family day filled with fun! On August 7th we are hosting our 21st annual Cow Patty Bingo! You may ask what is a Cow Patty Bingo? It is very much like it sounds, there will be a field...
Miramichi Hosting NHRA Division National Race
Some top quality Maritimes-based machines, like that of James Cowie above, will be in the mix for Miramichi's NHRA's National Open event this summer. by Bruce Biegler, Far Eastern Canada’s Miramichi Dragway will host its biggest and most prestigious drag racing event ever this coming...
Miramichi Reader, James Fisher Interviews Miramichi Author, Chuck Bowie
Chuck Bowie is the New Brunswick author of three novels, all in the “Sean Donovan: Thief for Hire” series. He recently released Book Three: “Steal it All“. Chuck took a few moments to answer my questions about his influences, where and when his Sean Donovan character was born, and how Book Four...
Summer Happenings at Middle Island
Photos & Story by Anthony McLean, Contributing Reporter The Middle Island Historical Park is just minutes away from Downtown Chatham/ Miramichi East at 2345 Water Street. It has had great significance to Miramichier’s for nearly 170 years. When you pay a visit to the island, there is much to see...
Burnt Church Midsummer Festival
Burnt Church is a small community located on Miramichi Bay. It is separate from the native community Esgenoôpetitj but good relations prevail. The Burnt Church/ New Jersey community is made up of mainly Scottish settlers. The area has a rich heritage of shipbuilding, canning and other industries besides a strong...
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, July 21, 2016
July is proving to have some fresh fish moving through each day, with a few days producing very good numbers, especially on the Southwest Miramichi. Generally, the fish are moving rather than holding. NOTE: Don’t forget the meeting Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Newcastle Lions Center to discuss the...
Senior Goodwill Ambassadors Appointed
Thirty senior goodwill ambassadors have been appointed to engage seniors, their families and communities in supporting wellness, active living and independence for seniors in New Brunswick. “Our senior goodwill ambassadors are dedicated volunteers who participate in community events or programs to promote inclusion and healthy aging,” said Seniors and Long-Term...
Brophy Receives NBSRT Honorary Lifetime Award
In late Spring, the New Brunswick Society of Retired Teachers Honorary Lifetime Membership was awarded to Faye Brophy of Blackville. Faye Brophy retired in 1989 after 35 years of teaching. She had obtained both her BA (1967) and B. Ed (1971) from the University of New Brunswick. She taught in...
Moving Into The Associated Lodges Hall in Douglastown
The upstairs meeting room has been completely redone with new platforms built, new drapes, chairs brought in from the previous hall in Newcastle, and the walls will soon be getting a fresh coat of paint. Members of Miramichi #18 & Northumberland #17 Free & Accepted Masons...