Family Research Hints Part II
This is the second part in a series from the Miramichi Genealogy Society. Click here to read Part I. by Penny Creamer Last time you determined why you wanted to work on your family tree and were given optional methods for doing it. Now we’ll provide a few places where you can...
Miramichiers Who Giv’er! Meet Connie Doucet
Connie Doucet, photo by Anthony McLean by Anthony McLean For nearly four decades Connie Doucet has been a resident of the Miramichi, giving back to her community in many ways including her work in nursing, her singing career and through her development of Hospice Miramichi. Originally...
Do You Need a Home Inspection?
By Dave Bucklow, A D Home Inspection Are you looking at the market for a new home? Should you have a Home Inspection? As you are about to make one of life’s most expensive purchases, it makes a great deal of sense to have an inspection. Hiring a certified home...
Poem: “butterflies and dragonflies” by lynn mac donald
Photo by Tammy Watt butterflies and dragonflies I saw butterflies and dragonflies sailing in the wind, some had smiles and the others had grins the rhythm of their wings were beating out of time but still they flew in a colourful straight line the humming their...
Christmas Carol Sing Along
There will be a Christmas Carol Sing Along at Saint Paul’s Presbyterian Church, 8032 Route 117 Highway, in Black River Bridge this Thursday, December 8th 2016. The Open House format begins at 7 pm and continues through 8:30 pm so you may arrive and leave as you please. If you play a musical...
Woodturning Artisan – Shane Price
Shane Price stumbled onto woodturning by accident. He was watching fly-tying videos on YouTube and clicked on a bowl-turning video by mistake. He continued to watch it and immediately knew it was something he wanted to try. Shane’s neighbour let him use his workshop and lathe to see if he...
Country Christmas Craft & Bake Sale
Come sit by the wood stove and enjoy a cup of tea at a Country Christmas Craft and Bake Sale on Saturday December 10th from 10 am to 2 pm at Darlene's Vintage Cottage on the Barnettville Road in the greater Blackville region. This special event will definitely get you...
Tis the Season to Shop Local
by Discover Miramichi With the holidays quickly approaching, we know it can be difficult to come up with that “perfect gift”! Have no fear, we’ve put together a list of 20+ gift ideas for you that can be found right here on the Miramichi at our local businesses! 1. These...
Book Review: “A Deadly Drive – The Miramichi Expereince During the Great War” by Gary Silliker
by James M. Fisher, The Miramichi Reader An excellent book, primarily due to the research and the compilation of all the information Mr. Silliker was able to discover on the many men and women from the Miramichi area that served in WWI. Arranged in a logical fashion, the text also...
Annual Christmas Market & Craft Sale at Water Street Farmer’s Market
The Annual Christmas Market & Craft Sale at the Water Street Farmer's Market will take place on Saturday, December 3rd, 2016, from 9 am to 2 pm. The Annual Water Street Farmer's Market's Christmas Market & Craft Show has something for everyone. Both floors of the building will be open for all...
Fluoride and Your Child
by Quali-dent - Your Miramichi Dental Clinic Fluoride is a mineral found in soil, water (both fresh and salt) and various foods. It has a positive effect on oral health by making teeth more resistant to decay. Fluoride can also prevent or even reverse tooth decay that has started. Fluorides...
ARM Book Nook at Autism Resources Miramichi Inc.
ARM Book Nook is a used book store operated by Autism Resources Miramichi. Their books are received by donations and they only sell good quality merchandise. The book store also serves as a job training center for individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in our community and surrounding area. 24...
The Miramichi Senior SawdustMakers Inc.
The Miramichi Senior SawdustMakers gather for a group dinner. The Miramichi Senior SawdustMakers Inc. are an active group of seniors that have come together for a common goal – to make sawdust. “We make sawdust with everything from chainsaws to files,” says the group's founder Reg...