Celebrate Your Irish Dinner and Concert
What better way to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day early than to come out to the Celebrate Your Irish Dinner and Concert at the Beaverbrook Kin Centre, 100 Newcastle Boulevard on Sunday, March 12th! Supper begins at 6 pm. The concert features special guest, Melanie Ross Breen and local performers, Lalla...
Saturday Night Racket at Miramichi Folklore Park
A really good time was had by all at Miramichi Folklore Park on Saturday with the Ladies Of The River on stage. Shown here are Annie Hallihan, Nancy Sturgeon, Lynn Manderson, Martha Howe, Amber Walls, Grace Astle, Helen Young, Marilyn Young, Helen Jardine, Beverly Hogan and Susanne Saulnier. This Saturday...
Small Sustainable Lifestyle Changes are Mighty Powerful
by Brad Veysey Fitness challenges are everywhere these days, and the truth is that most people offering them just want to take your money. Most challenges are designed to fail. Designed to fail like that shiny new gadget that you got for Christmas that doesn't quite live up to its...
King Street Elementary School Named in Ceremony
The Honourable Bill Fraser with students. (Photo by Anthony McLean) By Anthony McLean, Contributing Reporter Yesterday morning, Monday February 20th, 2017, at 10 am a Naming Ceremony for the new Miramichi East school was held at Saint Andrew's Elementary School in Chatham. Emcee Eileen Bowes welcomed everyone and...
Our Seniors Matter Luncheon: Age Well, Live Well
On Saturday, March 18th, an Our Seniors Matter Luncheon will be held at 10 am at the Voice of Hope Ministries with guest speaker Judy Bowman, the regional representative for Healthy Active Living. The luncheon is geared for ages 50 and over and is free of charge. Judy will provide...
Chatham Scotiabank Supports Purse Auction
Staff of Scotiabank on Water Street in Chatham are shown in the photo to the right presenting $1660 to the Rotary Club of Newcastle’s Purse Auction chair, Barb Stothart. Staff volunteered their time to assist the club with fundraising efforts for the event and were able to donate under Scotiabank’s...
Miramichi Seniors – A United Voice
Miramichi Seniors want you to know they are active in speaking out for the rights of senior citizens in New Brunswick! Approximately 300 seniors in Miramichi are part of the NB Senior Citizens Federation, an organization devoted to the advancement of issues related to the well-being of all seniors aged...
Theatre New Brunswick Seeking New Board Members
Theatre New Brunswick (TNB) is looking for volunteers interested in joining our Board of Governors. We seek people who know and love the work of our theatre and its commitment to creating theatre that inspires, challenges, and entertains, while celebrating New Brunswick voices, touring professional theatre throughout the province, and...
19th Annual NSPA/ MSA Conservation Dinner
This year’s Northumberland Salmon Protection Association/ Miramichi Salmon Association (NSPA/ MSA) 19th Annual Fund Raising Dinner will be held Tuesday March 14th, 2017 at the Rodd Miramichi. Please come out and join us in our efforts to raise the funds necessary to carry on the conservation work required to sustain...
Annual General Meeting of DowntownS Miramichi
Notice of Annual General Meeting Of the DowntownS Miramichi Historic Chatham Business District Inc. and Downtown Miramichi Business Network Inc. Tuesday February 21, 2017 Rodd Miramichi River 1809 Water St, Miramichi, NB Order of the evening 5:00pm -Historic Chatham Business District, Cains Room 5:00pm -Newcastle Business District, Sevogle Room 6:00pm...
WORDS on WATER Book Launch: “The Effect Of Frost On Southern Vines”
Miramichi's Words on Water performance art series will host a book launch for The Effect Of Frost On Southern Vines by Sandra Bunting at the Rodd Miramichi River Hotel, 1809 Water Street in Chatham on Tuesday March 28th, 2017 at 6:30 pm. The Effect of Frost on Southern Vines is the debut...
Spaghetti & Gingerbread Dinner
There will be a Spaghetti and Gingerbread Dinner at Saint Mary's Anglican Church, 207 Wellington Street in Chatham on Friday February 24th, 2017 from 3:30 to 6 pm. Tickets are $10 per person and take-out will be available for $11. Funds will support the Miramichi Literacy Council's Tutoring and Literacy Initiatives Book Sale Table....
Merchandise Bingo Fundraiser for Local Girl Guides in Eel Ground
There will be a Merchandise Bingo on Sunday February 26th, 2017, beginning at 2 pm at the Eel Ground Band Hall, 47 Church Road, with all proceeds going to the local Girl Guides trip to Parliament Hill to celebrate Canada's 150th Birthday. The cost is $20 for adults and $5 for...