New Brunswick, part of the Canadian Songwriter Challenge
Music • Musique NB (MNB) is presenting its third annual edition of the Canadian Songwriter Challenge, May 17 to 20 in St. Andrews. The project pairs local and national songsmiths for a collaborative multi-day songwriting camp. The creative sessions will conclude with a Songwriters’ Circle, as part of the Paddlefest...
Creative Connections Conference
The Creative Connection Conference is taking place at UNB this November from the 16th to the 18th. Creativity is leading the wave of innovation and change globally. Opportunities to share knowledge and strategies about the interdisciplinary and problem solving potential of creativity are now critical in meeting the social, cultural...
Miramichi Spotlight Featuring Aftersurf
by Lucas Durelle, The Modern Typewriter During my last interview with local musican Dillon Ryan, He mentioned a band named Aftersurf. I got in contact with the bands front man Riley H and set up a meeting to discuss their music and their passion. I decided to bring my long...
150 Things to Do In The Miramichi Region (1-25)
In honour of Canada 150 Discover Miramichi put together a list of 150 fun things to do in Miramichi this year! Here is the first 25: We’ll get the most exciting one out of the way, experience tight lines with our fantastic salmon fishing. Feel your heart race as you...
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, April 20, 2017
Photo by Ashleigh Reynolds MIRAMICHI – The 2017 angling season for spring salmon and striped bass is underway for the Miramichi system. However, the weather has not been the most conducive to heading out. We have been plagued by very cold temperatures and bouts of wet...
“The Very Best” Festival in Atlantic Canada is a go for 2017
His worship, Mayor Adam Lordon, along with the Rock’n’Roll Festival Committee Vice-Chair, Nelson Stewart, announced yesterday that the Rock’n’Roll Festival 2017 is officially a go ... “The Very Best” Festival in Atlantic Canada will take place in the City of Miramichi beginning on Thursday, June 29th and ending on Sunday, July...
Coalition for Better Atlantic Salmon Management in New Brunswick Formed
The Coalition for Better Atlantic Salmon Management in New Brunswick (CBSM) was formed at a meeting of seven individuals on March 14th, 2017 in Blackville. This meeting was the culmination of a series of developments over the past year that led participants to advance the idea of a coalition as...
Harkins Grad ’67 Reunion
Fifty years ago this June, the Harkins Academy High School graduates, Class of 1967, were on stage at the Sinclair Rink receiving their graduation diplomas and anxiously awaiting their graduation prom and after prom parties. Because both Canada and Harkins turned 100 years old that year, these students were named...
Scott Knowles Memorial Hockey Pool Winners
Scott Knowles The Rotary Club of Newcastle is pleased to announce the winners of the 2016-2017 Scott Knowles Memorial Hockey Pool. 1st. Canadian Hockey JLK19 ($1500) 2nd. Shaun O’Reilly ($750) 3rd. Canadian Hockey JLK11 ($375) 4th. Garey Gallan ($150) 5th. Bobby Lanteigne ($75) 6th. Yoshy’s Skaters...
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, April 13, 2017
Welcome to another year of Doug’s Fishing Report. A new angling season is upon us Saturday, and it looks like we might be able to head out, at least in some sections of the Miramichi system. With it being the Easter weekend, there could be a few Bunny “Sightings”. Maybe...
Public Notice: City Storm Clean-up Advisory
The City of Miramichi would like to advise residents that planning has begun in preparation for the final Ice Storm municipal clean-up of large branches and brush. It is anticipated that the clean-up will take place in late May. The exact date will be announced in the coming weeks. Residents...
WFNB’s 2017 WordSpring Festival Happens in Saint John
The 2017 WordSpring Festival is happening May 26th, 27th and 28th, 2017 at the Hilton Saint John and Saint John Free Public Library. It is the annual literacy festival for the Writers’ Federation of New Brunswick (WFNB). Below is a list of activities and events of what is happening throughout...
Ottawa Life Magazine features Miramichi
During the summer of 2016, Jennifer Hartley and her family visited the Miramichi region, she enjoyed herself so much that she wrote what has been described as a “love letter to Miramichi” for Ottawa Life Magazine. Click here to find and read the full article!