Hospice Miramichi Inc. Annual General Meeting Update

Hospice Miramichi held its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, October 28th at the Knights of Columbus Chatham Hall, Miramichi, New Brunswick. Through reports from the Executive Director and Board of Directors Chair, Hospice Miramichi announced a new operational budget associated with the Residential Hospice being built which is expected to have a moving date in January 2021. The opening of this facility would not be made possible without the extraordinary efforts and contribution of the Losier Family Foundation who is coordinating the project and covering the cost of the construction. Along with the new building comes a new organizational structure for Hospice Miramichi to accommodate the increased services.
Paul McGraw, Chair of the Board of Directors, described the new 6 bed facility, designed to Hospice Miramichi specifications by local architect Francis Malley of the firm Des-Tek Inc., will also include a dedicated centre to operate the day hospice program, administrative offices, a gift shop/cafe, family Room with a children’s play area, a non-denominational oasis room for prayer and spiritual support as well as many other additional amenities. “This is a really exciting time for us to see this building and this dream becoming a reality, thanks to the Losier Family Foundation.” McGraw stated.
The Board of Directors welcomed 2 new members on Wednesday night, Kate Flanagan and Annette LeBouthillier. McGraw took the time to thank the “extraordinary efforts of all our volunteers” and went on to praise their efforts for being “a major part of our success and ability to get through the challenges during COVID-19”. The Hospice Shoppe is 100% volunteer staff and the work they have done along with a group called Helping Hands for Hospice was recognized.
Moving into the new facility the cost of the health care providers will be largely funded by the provincial government. Supplementary programs and services such as the Hospice Outreach Program, Grief and Bereavement Program and the Day Hospice Program, along with necessary expenses operational and administrative costs will need to be raised on an annual basis by the organisation. These costs add up to an annual fundraising target of approximately $500,000.
The new expansion of services into the residential hospice facility will highlight the two crucial facets for success for Hospice Miramichi. Medical care, programs, and services will be led by a nursing professional. This new role will ensure a continuing excellence of comfort, care and compassion provided by Hospice Miramichi.
The second facet will focus on sustainability and facility management. Led by the Executive Director; this individual will manage the administrative aspects, oversee the development of funding initiatives, policy creation and employee relations and succession planning; among other duties related to the strategic efforts for financial and community sustainability for Hospice Miramichi.
Hospice Miramichi announced upcoming holiday fundraisers Angels Remembered and Home for the Holidays and encouraged those in attendance to visit the website for details. Also announced at the AGM was an addition to the He Shed, and She Shed draws for 2021, “but I’m keeping all the fun details a surprise,” McGraw said!
About Hospice Miramichi Inc.
Hospice Miramichi seeks to raise the awareness of the unique needs of those living with life limiting illnesses where cure is not an option and medications are no longer controlling the condition. Hospice Miramichi works within the community to provide care and support for clients and families during the end stages of life and through the grieving process.
Questions on fundraising activities and initiatives contact the following:
Maggie Daley
Fund Development Officer
Hospice Miramichi
For media inquiries contact:
Paul R. McGraw
Chair, Board of Directors

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.