Monday Afternoon City of Miramichi Ice Storm Recovery Update
Monday January 30 – City of Miramichi Ice Storm Recovery Update
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Today’s New Information:
The city continues to consider this an Active Event and we remain fully focused on clean-up and providing food and shelter for the duration of the power outages, however later today we will also begin to bring recreation services back online.
As of 4pm today:
– We will merge our Warming Center operations to a single location at the Golden Hawk Rec Center (8 Pollard Ave). Transportation will be provided to anyone at the Linden Rec Warming Center to the Golden Hawk at this time.
– Both rinks (The Civic Center and the LBA) will re-open for regular use
– The MVHS pool will re-open
– Gymnastics and Tai Kwon Do will resume classes
– The Golden Hawk will remain an active Warming Center continuing to provide warmth, food and warm meals, and hot showers and will continue to remain open indefinitely. Other programs at the Golden Hawk will remain postponed (gym / pool) until further notice.
– Miramichi Transit Buses will continue to provide transportation to the Golden Hawk Warming Center from 8am to midnight today and tomorrow. For transportation call 623-2066
– We continue to welcome and encourage our neighbours in surrounding communities and rural areas to make use of our Warming Center facility as well!
As of tomorrow morning Tuesday January 31:
– The Linden Rec Center will re-open for regular operations
– Starting tomorrow Public Works will have completed clearing the roads and will begin to clear brush and debris from the sides of the roads. Residents can place their debris on the sides of the road starting today until Friday for pick-up by public works crews. For those not yet in a position to clean up their yards, a similar service will be offered again in the Spring
Ongoing Information:
Presently we are down to 400 power outages in the city as of 1:00pm this afternoon. To see the estimated Power reconnection time for your area please follow-up with NB Power at
Transportation continues to be available from 8am until Midnight to the Golden Hawk Warming Center by calling 623-2066. Please note if you are planning to go to the warming center overnight, we ask that you call for your drive before 11:30pm and please bring your own pillows and blankets. Cots are provided.
Water is available at the warming centers for those who need to bring some home, but people are reminded to bring their own containers to fill.
Several sites for tree and brush drop offs around the city will remain open. They will be clearly identified with 4×8 foot signs and will be located at:
Newcastle – Cardinal Park at 650 Beaverbrook Road
Nelson – Miramichi ski club at 127 Nelson street.
Douglastown – Former Benny Vautour Ballfield 86 McKinnon road. Near the corner of McKinnon and Williston.
Chatham – In the Industrial Park across from 170 Walsh avenue
Loggieville – 1100 Wellington street
Two locations for the drop off and disposal of spoiled food. Fero bins for disposal have been placed at the Golden Hawk Rec Center (8 Pollard Blvd) and at the old Fire Station in Newcastle (15 Jane Street)
We are continuing to ask citizens to conserve water.
Please be mindful of all NB Power and Public Works crews working out there.
We will continue to monitor the situation closely and provide updates as needed.
Thank you to everyone for your cooperation and kindness to our fellow citizens during this challenging time.
Thank You,
Mayor Adam Lordon

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.