Stay Fit and Have Fun This Winter

By Deana Gadd, for Miramichi Cross Country Ski Club
This winter many people will be looking for outdoor activities for fun and fitness. We at the Miramichi Cross Country Ski Club (MCCSC) recommend that you check us out!
The MCCSC is located in the Nelson area of the city on route 126. We offer three winter activities, cross- country skiing (also called Nordic skiing), biathlon and snowshoeing. Last season saw the opening of a new clubhouse and biathlon range and trail upgrades.
Nordic skiers have 25 km of trails to ski on, some used for both classic and skate style skiing and some dedicated to classic alone. The trails range from 0.3km (the Pink or Bunny trail) to 12 km.
For evening use there are 4 km of lit trails, which makes it easy to ski after work or supper. This trail received a new shale base so will be the first trail to open after the first significant snowfall of the season.
The Miramichi Biathlon Club operates out of the ski club. Biathlon is a sport, especially popular in Europe, which combines skate skiing with target shooting. A new biathlon range opened last year.
Snowshoeing has become increasingly popular over the last few seasons. Although it is possible to snowshoe just about anywhere, people enjoy having a clubhouse to meet at and head out on the trails together or enjoy the safety of going out alone on dedicated trails. The snowshoe trails follow winding loops in the woods, with distances of 1 to 6 km.
The ski club has developed a Covid-19 operational plan for the fall and will have an updated one for the winter season. As of the writing of this article we are not certain what the season will look like. Traditionally we offer a children’s learn to ski program for eight weeks on Sunday afternoons, free adult learn to ski lessons, a waxing clinic, skate ski lessons and have ski and snowshoe rental equipment for all ages. We hope to offer these programs following pandemic guidelines.
Skiing and snowshoeing are activities that can follow physical distancing guidelines and take place outdoors. You may want to consider buying your own equipment this year, new or used. Miramichi is fortunate to enjoy many sunny days during winter but with the proper layers of clothing you can ski or snowshoe almost every day.
We invite you to embrace winter along with us at the ski club. More details and program updates will be on our website and we also have a Facebook page.

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