34th HCBD (Historic Chatham Business District) Annual Parade of Lights
The tree is lit, the poles are decorated and the wreaths on are the lampposts. The Historic Chatham Business District,(HCBD) parade coordinators are ready for their signature event, 34th, HCBD Annual Parade of Lights. The event will take place on Friday night December 6th, leaving JMH parking lot at 6:30 pm. The parade will proceed down Henderson, to Duke, over to King, turn onto Water and up to Duke with the finishing at the Atlantic Superstore parking lot. If are you participating in the parade coordinators are anticipating some traffic congestion around JMH. Parade participates will access the parade staging area through Vanstone Ave. Dr. Losier.
As in the past we are requesting parade entries respect the regulation that no candy or treats be thrown from moving vehicles. This is an unsafe practice for spectators of the parade. The HCBD are always requesting parents monitor their children during the parade. There will be various sizes of decorated vehicles in the parade which cause lots of fun and excitement. Safety is a primary concern to the enjoyment of the parade for everyone. There will also be barricades set up on Water Street and we ask attendees to remain behind the barricades.
Businesses and organizations will be open for business and some will have some pre-parade activities with special treats to welcome you to the downtown. The Miramichi Regional Multicultural Association will be holding its annual Christmas Parade Open House on Friday, December 6, beginning at 5:00 pm at 1808 Water St. There will be snacks, cookies, candy and hot chocolate for everyone! Open houses will be held at All Decked Out, on 1804 Water Street and Blush Beauty Bar at 1729 Water Street, these businesses will be welcoming everyone into their businesses and offering special treats. Open Door Antiques will be welcoming everyone in for some home baked cookies and hot chocolate. Open Door Antiques new location is at 28 Cunard St
Santa has checked in and confirmed everything is a go from his point of view. He is pleased Pizza Delight will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Christmas hampers. Santa was excited to hear we have record number entries this year, the weather looks favourable and he always looks forward to seeing the horses as he travels through the parade route in the traditional horse drawn wagon.
Quiet Zone
There will be a Quiet Zone on the parade route. This is in cooperation with the Autism Resource Miramichi. We have identified the Quiet Zone from O’Donaghue’s to Canadian Tire Gas Bar on Water Street. The quiet zone is an area where individuals and their families can enjoy the parade in an environment without the triggers of sirens, loud music and flashing lights which can cause discomfort for some individuals. We are pleased to offer this area as an inclusive community, and we ask participates in the parade to respect this area.
The Historic Chatham Business District would like to thank the City of Miramichi for their support for this signature event.
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So beautiful and wish i was there. Happy Christmas!