Volunteers Needed for 2020 Tabusintac Old Home Week -August 1st to 8th, 2020

The Tabusintac Old Home Week will be taking place from August 1st to 8th, 2020 in Tabusintac, New Brunswick and they are seeking volunteers to help with their quinquennial event!
If there is a specific event you’d like to help with, please comment on the post on the Tabusintac Old Home Week’s Facebook group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/163215225052/permalink/10157363383595053/ or contact Gail Harding at 1-506-625-2512 as it would be easier for them to keep track.
As you know, the success of Tabusintac Old Home Week is the volunteers.
No one gets paid for the work they do (full disclosure: we do pay someone to clean the tent and assist with cleaning at the community center).
Need some ideas – helping sell souvenirs, working the doors at talent shows, helping a community group put on a breakfast or supper, family day, work the door at a dance, help put up the tent, take it down, etc.
The list is endless.
We can always find someone a job and we have a fun saying in our family that we like to volun-told people to do things.
So if you want to be volun-told, we can do that to!
Be sure to join the Tabusintac Old Home Week Facebook group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/163215225052/ and “View” and “Like” All Things Tabusintac on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/allthingstabusintac/

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