Newcastle Rotary Club’s 7th Annual Bags and Bubbles Purse Auction and Fashion Show
The Newcastle Rotary Club’s 7th Annual Bags and Bubbles Purse Auction and Fashion Show will be taking place on Friday, November 1st, 2019, beginning at 7 pm at the Miramichi Agricultural Exhibition Association, 24 Church Street, Miramichi.
The proceeds of this event will be going towards the Hospice Miramichi’s Companion Beds.
Donations of purses and other gift certificates and other items are pouring in for the auction! We have brand name bags and wallets such as Coach, Nygard, Michael Kors, Roots, Guess, Calvin Klein and more!
Tickets are just $25. a person and are available at:
- Scotia Bank, 1707 Water Street, Miramichi (Chatham)
- Scotia Bank, 139 Henry Street, Miramichi (Newcastle)
- Brookdale Flower Shop, 488 King George Highway, Miramichi (Newcastle)
- Town Hill Jewelry and Gifts, 291 Pleasant Street, Miramichi (Newcastle)
To reserve a table of 8 you must pay for the table in advance.
Be sure to “view” and “like” the Rotary Club of Newcastle’s Facebook page at:

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.