Jimmy MacKinley New Stand-up Comedy Shows this November
Jimmy MacKinley has been performing stand-up comedy for nearly a decade after working up the courage to try it at an open mic at the Wilser’s Room Capital Complex in Fredericton NB in 2011. Despite waiting until he was 27 years old to first take the stage, he says he’s been writing comedy since he was a kid.
“I was always funny with my friends, cracking one-liners, doing impressions of our high school teachers, anything could be material, really. It’s a cathartic experience when you allow a little bit of truth to come out through a comedic medium. Cathartic for both sides that is.”
“The first joke I ever wrote was about the “KFC Chicken bowl”, a popular dish at the time made up of seemingly every KFC item combined into one bowl. The punchline was something about how we’ve reached a point in society where Popcorn Chicken is no longer Combo 3, yet simply a garnish on Combo 6.”
Jimmy says his success in comedy in New Brunswick can be attributed to working hard on his act and building relationships by treating people with kindness and always being thankful for the stage time. He says he’s definitely made a lot mistakes but claims, “if you’re comfortable, that means you’re not growing.”
Jimmy adds, “I always feel thankful for every gig because the first time I was paid for comedy, I was paid with a bag of Fiddleheads.”
In 2016, Jimmy got his first break with a live, nationally broadcasted recording of Laugh Out Loud on CBC Radio One. He’s since been featured at the HubCap Comedy Festival and two New Brunswick tours with comedian Gerry Dee, of CBC’s hit show Mr Dee.
This November, Jimmy will be featuring all new material in two back to back shows, in partnership with the Miramichi Salmon Association. One show will be at The Vogue Theatre in Miramichi on November 22nd and the other at the Central New Brunswick’s Woodsmen’s Museum on November 23rd in Boiestown. All shows will feature opening acts and special guests. Tickets are available for purchase at www.miramichisalmon.ca
Jimmy offers clean material and is also available for corporate functions and events. He can be reached at">
This article was first featured in the 2019 Fall Issue of Giv’er Miramichi Magazine.

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