Retirement Celebration for Father Joseph Arnold “Arnie” Hachey
On Friday, July 26th, 2019, from 7 pm to 9 pm, come out to Saint Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church Parish Centre, 12 Saint Patrick’s Drive in Nelson (Miramichi) for a Retirement Celebration for Father Joseph Arnold “Arnie” Hachey.
Hosted by the parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Unit – Saint Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church, Nelson (Miramichi), The Most Pure Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church, Barnaby River and Saint Edward’s Roman Catholic Church, Chelmsford.
Drop in, and bring your well wishes as Father Arnie celebrates his retirement from the priesthood and will be starting a new chapter of his life, so please join us.
Light snacks will be served, along with tea, coffee and juice.
Be sure to “view” and “like” Our Lady of Lourdes Parish – Miramichi on Facebook at:

Saint Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church The Most Pure Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church Saint Edward’s Roman Catholic Church

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