Locally Grown in the Miramichi Region
Each year more and more local growers are offering fresh vegetables, fruit, meat, poultry and seafood. Local chefs are taking advantage of the local food movement by serving farm to table menu options and choosing fresh local ingredients whenever possible. Below is a list of local growers, and if you know of anyone we missed, leave the details in the comments!

Cole’s Garden Patch is a local greenhouse which sells annuals, perennials, herbs and vegetable plants, hanging baskets and OSC Seeds. They open for retail in May, and before that you can drop-in or call ahead. They’re at the Water Street Farmers Market most Saturdays. Located at 345 Oldfield Road, Miramichi. Tel: 506-210-0853. Find them on Facebook
Cowassaget Brook (CB) Farms Homegrown strawberries, raspberries and vegetables, bedding plants, hanging baskets and greenhouse flowers; Simmental beef herd. Located at 1605 Route 460 Highway, Tabusintac. For the Strawberry U-Pick, please call ahead for field conditions. 506-779-4497 Find them on Facebook.
D&J Farms A local family-owned and operated farm selling fresh produce, beef, and free run chickens and turkeys. All meat is antibiotic and hormone free. They also have a variety of vegetables for sale, Gold Rush Potatoes, strawberries and raspberries. 10770 Route 8, Blissfield. Tel: 506- 259-7378
Earl’s Meat Shop Open year-round with locally produced beef, pork and poultry for sale. Located at 437 Northwest Road, Exmoor. Tel: 506-836-7225
Fletcher’s Vegetables The Fletcher’s sell their farm fresh produce locally at the Newcastle Farmer’s Market as well as directly from their farm in season, summer/early fall. Located at 2240 Oldfield Road, Little Bartibog. Tel: 506-773-9367
Greene’s Fresh Produce is a family farm located in Blissfield that sells a wide variety of fresh produce and flowers. Drop by their farm stand in Blissfield, 9664 Route 8 Highway or find them at the Blackville Irving 12-5pm Thursdays and Sundays as well as at the Newcastle Farmers Market every Friday 10am-2pm. Tel: 506-365-7563
Green Life Farm – a “new to the scene” farm operated by a young family with the passion and vision to fill peoples’ homes with quality, fresh, local produce. They offer a food box subscription program, providing fresh veggies every week and can be found at the Newcastle and Water Street Farmer’s Markets. 9 Dunnets Rd, Whitney. Tel: 506- 251-1833 or visit www.greenlifefarmnb.com

Halcomb Honey & Hives They are usually at the Newcastle Farmer’s Market on Fridays and honey and beeswax based products can also be purchased at Tania’s Powder Room, 183 Halcomb Road, Sunny Corner. Their honey is also available at the Grand Ole Bakery, 136 Bridge Road, Miramichi. www.halcombhoney.ca
La coopérative Ferme Terre Partagée is a six generation farm turned workers’ coop. You can find their organic vegetables and local eggs and meats at the Water Street Farmers Market on Saturdays or in Rogersville on Tuesday afternoons. Fill your bellies and your freezers with organic strawberries at the on-farm u-pick during the month of July. www.fermeterrepartagee.org.
Tel: 506-626-0057
La Ferme Pouce Vert/Green Thumb Farm has 12 acres of various vegetables in rotation with buckwheat, grains and hay and six acres of strawberries for U-Pick. 4761 Route 480 Highway, Acadieville. Tel: 506-775-2232 or 506-775-2807 Find them on Facebook.

Lockerbie’s Vegetable Stand The road side stand is located on Wellington Street in Loggieville and is open July to September selling farm fresh produce from the adjacent farm. Each fall their annual Pumpkin Sale is a popular event. Located at 3056 Water Street, Loggieville. Tel: 506-773-9702.
McAllister Apple Farm They have a u-pick apple orchard, and other fruits such as pears, plums, grapes, also squash and pumpkins. If you wish to pick apples, there is a minimal cost per bucket. Located at 4460 /Route 108 Highway, Bryenton. Tel: 506-622-0350. Find them on Facebook.
Mr. Tomato Provide certified organic tomatoes, English cucumbers, green peppers, red peppers, and beans grown at their location in Rogersville. They also sell flowers, and produce from other local growers at the Mr. Tomato locations in Rogersville, Richibucto, and in the Bridgeview Plaza parking lot in Douglastown (late May to mid-July). Located at 11021, rue Principale Rogersville. Tel: 506-775-6042.
My Lil’ Bee Honey Farm is located at 977 North Napan Rd. and the honey is for sale at Close to Home Gifts, Carroll’s Bakery, PLC Animal Hospital and Mill Cove Coffee Shop. Also has pure beeswax for sale for making crafts, candle and beauty products. Tel: 506-624 3858
Raymond O’Neill and Son’s Fish Market – an authentic seafood market offering fresh-off-the-boat seafood. Opening May 4, Monday to Saturday 9:30am to 5pm, and Sundays in May and June. On the Escuminac Wharf, 221 Ch. Escuminac Point. Tel: 506-228-4794 Visit www.raymondoneill.ca and facebook page for daily updates.
Savoie Emery J & Fils Ltee is a seafood market selling scallops, salmon, lobster, shrimp, cod. Open 9am – 8pm and on the off season, 9am -5pm. 1202 rue Principale Street, Neguac. Tel: 506-776-3243.
Siddall’s Farm Raised Beef is a family owned and operated 4th generation farm. They raise their cows without the use of antibiotics or growth hormones and the cows eat grass, hay and grain grown on the farm. They offer quality beef direct to consumers. Located at 400 Parker Road, Millerton. Tel: 506- 622-1209. www.siddallbeef.ca Find them on Facebook
Water Street Garlic and Greens A micro-farm growing and selling heirloom specialty vegetables, salad greens, garlic, herbs and gourmet preserves. Local chefs enjoy using their culinary herbs to add flavour and colour to their dishes. Find them at the Chatham Farmer’s Market and on Facebook.
This article originally appeared in the 2019 Mighty Miramichi River Guide. www.riverguide.ca

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