Miramichi Transit Commission Inc. Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Miramichi Transit Commission Inc. will be taking place on Wednesday evening, March 27th, 2019, from 5 pm to 6 pm in the Back Meeting Room of the Portage Restaurant, located at 191 King Street, in the former Town of Chatham.
Everyone is welcome to attend, and they are seeking new board members!
Why Become A Board Member?
Board members who are passionate about making a difference in our community and helping move our city’s transit system forward. All backgrounds and levels of experience are welcome.
The board positions are on a volunteer basis with a term of two years.
Anyone interested in putting their name forward may do so by submitting a
résumé and cover letter to: or by dropping off in person at: 94 General Manson Way, Suite 155 in Miramichi, in the former Town of Chatham.
Be sure to “view” and “like” Miramichi Transit on Facebook as well as “add them” on Facebook and “visit” their website at: http://miramichitransit.ca/
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