Hospice Miramichi’s “The Hospice Shoppe” – 5 Wonderful Years and Counting!
If you love shopping in stores where there’s always something new, with real bargains and helpful, cheery staff, then the Hospice Shoppe is worth the trip!
The Shoppe opened in 2013 in historic downtown Chatham, and this summer we celebrated our 5th anniversary – and quite a celebration it was! Our MP, Pat Finnegan, our MLA, Bill Fraser, and our Mayor, Adam Lordon all helped us honour the occasion. Cake and refreshments were enjoyed by the large crowd of our loyal clients, volunteers and supporters who attended.
Specializing in quality, lightly enjoyed ladies wear, men’s wear, and shoes, the Hospice Shoppe also offers new handmade crafts by our craft group, Helping Hands for Hospice, artisanal soaps, furniture, housewares and decor items. Because our stock is all donated by our generous donors, every day sees new items arriving, which makes the shopping “adventure” all the more fun! And, best of all, all sales are tax-free, making your Hospice Shoppe purchases even more affordable.
Staffed and managed by a team of dedicated volunteers Monday through Saturday, the Shoppe is always being rearranged with fresh new looks we regularly post on our Facebook page. Please “like” us and share our posts to ensure that we keep growing and are able to provide sustainable funding for the essential work that Hospice Miramichi does in our community. All money generated by the Hospice Shoppe goes to funding the programs and services Hospice Miramichi provides, allowing Hospice to offer those programs and services at no cost to our clients. Being a volunteer-driven organization, we always need more volunteers, so if you have a few hours a week to spare, please call us!
If you have lightly used and saleable clothing, small furniture and housewares you want to donate to a worthy cause, please consider becoming one of our donors. For every item that you donate to the Hospice Shoppe, we will issue a tax receipt for the amount the item sold for, and that can really add up! And, if your items don’t sell for one reason or another, you can rest assured that we in turn donate them to another charity to make sure that they will always do some good in our community. Simply call Hospice Miramichi at 773-7607 to get your donor number and drop off your items at 14 Howard Street. That’s where another team of dedicated volunteers sorts and prices your items in our distribution centre before delivery to the Hospice Shoppe which is located at 1737 Water Street in historic downtown Chatham.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.