The MSA 2018 Calendars are finally here!
With an unexpected printing delay now behind us, your 2018 MSA calendar is finally in the mail and expected to arrive in time for the holidays. Featuring 12 great images from this past year’s Photo Contest, each monthly photo will serve to remind us why we all treasure and work so hard to protect and conserve our threatened Miramichi Resource. Additional calendars are available for $15 by calling the MSA at 506-622-4000 or heading to our shop by CLICKING HERE. They will also be available at local retailers as soon as Monday December 18th, 2017.

Since 1953, the Miramichi Salmon Association (MSA) and its members have directed their capabilities and their funds to the protection of the entire Miramichi River system. The MSA watches over the Miramichi as a champion of conservation on behalf of anglers, outfitters, guides and all others with economic, environmental and recreational interests in the river.