Introducing Miramichi’s New Health Coach
Hi, my name is Marie-Pier Page, the new Health Coach for the Miramichi region. My work is focused on the Live Well | Bien Vivre program, which is a health initiative by Diabetes Canada in partnership with the Government of New Brunswick.
Live Well | Bien Vivre is a free health coaching service offered to anyone 19 years and over who is willing to work on a wellness goal. We offer community-based support to clients through one-on-one sessions either in person, via video-conference or by phone. The service is for anyone, regardless if you have diabetes or not; as long as the client is willing to take part in their road to wellness, that’s what really matters!
With the use of empathy, mindful listening and positive reframing, we offer support and guidance to help clients develop and maintain their goals and self-confidence through stages of behaviour change. We work in a positive non-judgemental atmosphere and create a realistic action plan together. The action plan allows the client to achieve his/ her wellness goal in a way that fits their specific needs. For instance, a client’s goal can be mental fitness (ex: mindfulness, setting limits for yourself), healthy eating (ex: planning meals ahead, learning to cook), smoking cessation (ex: motivated to quit but not knowing where to start) or physical activity. We use smart goals, motivational interviewing techniques and coaching psychology, to help people better sustain their goals on a long-term basis. Part of my training includes having completed courses such as “Mental Health First Aid” and the “Applied Suicide Prevention Intervention Skills”.
My region covers Douglastown, Newcastle, Chatham as well as Metepenagiag and Natoaganeg First Nations. Meetings are held in public places such as coffee shops or libraries. We also offer group coaching workshops such as “Stress Less”, “Ignite your Motivation” and “Smart Goals”. We collaborate with community stakeholders and help you navigate to the right credible information, resources and expertise.
I am also a fully bilingual Registered Dietitian with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition Science from l’Université de Moncton and currently an active member of the New Brunswick Association of Dietitians and Dietitians of Canada, with work experience in both public health and clinical environments. Two humanitarian trips made me realize that my true passion is helping people meet their needs.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
For more information or to book a meeting email , telephone (506) 626-0789, find them on Facebook @livewellbienvivre or visit the website at

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.