Changing Lives via Changing Habits
As a registered Nurse Practitioner, I see people every day with various health concerns ranging from general lack of energy, extreme fatigue, digestive issues, insomnia, various aches and pains, mood issues – you name it! People look to me for advice on how to feel better and feel better now! The first thing I want to know is – What does a typical day’s food intake look like for that person? I want to know everything consumed from waking until sleeping.
Making changes to daily eating habits is where we are going to get the most bang for our buck! In most cases it won’t be from a prescription for medication but rather a prescription to “change your life”! To change your life when it comes to eating we need to change our habits.
Changing our habits is hard. It takes dedication and a desire to change. It takes time and patience, perseverance and self-forgiveness.
Do you choose wisely in what types of food you eat?
Do you eat at the right time to fuel your body?
Do you eat enough? This is a BIG one!
Do you know why you need protein and healthy fats in your diet?
Do you think carbohydrates are the enemy in your diet?
People think they are doing it right with respect to their nutrition but in many cases they are not. They lack the right information and tools. People need education, support and accountability to make changes last a lifetime. Changes to achieve an endpoint goal such as weight loss only will eventually revert to old habits. However, there are resources to help you. You can discuss your nutritional concerns with your primary health provider, who may refer you to a registered dietician.
Despite the plethora of confusing information online, is a great evidence based website worth checking out. At Sculpt Health and Wellness, we offer 1 on 1 nutritional education, tailored plans, and coaching to help you change daily habits that may be sabotaging your health. We have consultants including registered dietitians and myself that can assist you in your journey to eat and feel better. Initial consultations are approximately 1 hour and follow up visits are 30 minutes. For more information regarding Sculpt Health and Wellness you can email us at .
There is no secret, there is no quick fix, but fuelling your body the right way will make a huge and lasting difference in your well-being on every level. It’s not easy to change habits but the return on the investment in yourself is priceless.
Brandy Donald is a Registered Nurse Practitioner with 19 years of clinical nursing experience with Horizon Health Network. She is a wife and mother of two active boys, an accomplished athlete, and consultant/owner of Sculpt Health and Wellness Miramichi with her husband Ian.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.