Miramichi United Soccer Club Winter Soccer Instruction
Miramichi United Soccer Club is pleased to announce that we will be holding a winter soccer program, open to U10 and U12+ players from Blackville, Miramichi, Rogersville, and Sunny Corner.
This will be tied to our Excel Academy program that will be starting in the summer.
This winter program will be a mix of both Boys and Girls.
The program will be offered at the Golden Hawk Gym in Chatham on Saturday mornings, starting January 21st.
Age Groups
U10 9 – 10:30 am
U12+ 10:30 am – 12 noon
These sessions will run until we are able to head outside, approximately late April.
We will be going over fundamental skills with the emphasis on skill development.
We will offer the first two weeks as a free trial, just pay the $3 city facility user fee at the door. If you want to come check it out, we would love to see you there.
Cost is $50 to register online through credit card for the program, as well as the $3 city facility user fee at the door each week. After the first two weeks, the program fee must be paid in order to continue.
Registration is online at www.miramichiunited.ca, click on “2017 Winter”.
Any questions, email

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.