Do You Need a Home Inspection?
By Dave Bucklow, A D Home Inspection
Are you looking at the market for a new home? Should you have a Home Inspection?
As you are about to make one of life’s most expensive purchases, it makes a great deal of sense to have an inspection. Hiring a certified home inspection (CHI) may seem like an extra expense, but it could also save you a great deal of money too. What does a Home Inspection entail?
Following the Standards of Practice for a home inspection, the inspector will cast an experienced eye on every aspect of the home, from the roof to the foundation and basement. Following a set formula and taking notes he or she goes through a General Inspection form that includes Roof, Exterior, Basement, Foundation, Crawlspace, Structure, Heating, Cooling, Plumbing, Electrical, Fireplace, Attic, Insulation, Ventilation, Doors, Windows and Interior. The inspector takes many photos and finishes with a written report detailing the inspection and any discrepancies that were noted.
They have a selection of tools that can help them identify certain problems, but they are not allowed to dig around or move things in the home, and that’s why it is called a “General Inspection”. Nevertheless, the trained eye of the inspector can see many things that are not obvious to the average home buyer.
Using a Certified Home Inspector is not an expensive venture. Presently in this area the charge is around $400 for an average home inspection, and it takes the better part of a day to complete the report with the photos and the “Walk through” with the client. Considering that a home may run around $100,000, it’s a very small cost to pay for a certified Inspector. And if there are any discrepancies found, the report could save the client much more than the cost of the inspection.
Is Radon Gas accumulating in your Home?
Another concern for Northern New Brunswick home owners is Radon Gas. Health Canada and the Canadian Lung Association have been instrumental in the changes that have been brought into the 2015 Building Code that refer to Radon Gas that may be present in the home.
The Fall and Winter months are the best time to check for radon in your home, as the doors and windows will be closed and if there is radon present, then there is a greater concentration of it in the house.
Radon Gas is a colourless, tasteless, odourless gas, that can be present in many homes all across Canada, This gas occurs from the deterioration of Uranium in the ground, and as you may know New Brunswick has a good supply of it.
This gas, present in the home, has the same effect as cigarette smoke in the home to cause Lung Cancer. The Canadian Lung Association is of the opinion that many cases of Lung Cancer in non-smokers may be attributed to Radon in the home. Over 3000 deaths across Canada each year may be caused by Radon Gas. We can test your home for the presence of Radon within two days.
If it is found to be present in an accumulation more than 200Bq/m3, it will require a three month test with one or two monitors under set conditions, that are then sent out for analysis. This is the level that Health Canada has set for safety. If the long term results give readings higher that the 200Bq/m3 a “Mitigation System” may be indicated for your continued health. Northern New Brunswick is rated very high for the presence of Radon Gas.
If you are concerned give A D Home Inspection a call and they can set your mind to rest. Call Andy at 506-251-1817 or Dave at 506-622-7124 or email .

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