2016 Christmas Church Services in the Miramichi Region
Giv’er Miramichi is delighted to present the list of Christmas Church Services happening in the Miramichi Region this holiday season (2016-17). To find even more special events please visit the Mighty Miramichi Community Events Calendar.
Pre-Christmas Services
December 17th: St. James & St. John United Church, 557 King George Hwy
“Peace on Earth”, an evening of Christmas music and carols, featuring local artists, at 7 pm. Free will offering.
December 18th: St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Chatham
Christmas Pageant at 9 am
December 18th: St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Bushville
A Christmas Story Family Service at 11 am.
December 18th: St. James & St. John United church, 555 King George Hwy
Annual Sunday School Christmas concert at the church centre at 4 pm. The children will present individual class and group performances highlighting the importance of celebrating the birth of Christ.
December 18th: Calvary Baptist Church, Newcastle
The church choir presents “One Small Child” at 7 pm.
December 18th: St. Andrew’s United Church, Chatham
CGIT Alumni Vesper Service at 7 pm entitled “Happy Easter! It’s Christmas”. This spirited presentation focuses on new beginnings as it explores the connection between Easter and Christmas.
December 24th: Christmas Eve Services
Upper Blackville United Baptist, 6:30 pm
St. Agnes, Gray Rapids 6 pm
St. Peter’s, Millerton 8 pm
Holy Trinity, Blackville 8pm
Midnight Mass (with incense) 11:30 pm
Lower Derby Baptist Church, 6 pm
St. Mary’s Anglican Church, 6:30 pm
St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 8:30 pm
St. James & St. John United Church
4:00 PM – “Live Nativity” Family Service with Sunday School, St. James & St. John United Church
5:30 PM – Family Service, Maple Glen United Church
7:30 PM – Family Service, St. James & St. John United Church
Saint François de Salles Roman Catholic Church, Rogersville
Mass at 4 pm, Family Mass at 7 pm.
Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, Acadieville, 9 pm
Miramichi Wesleyan Church, Candlelight Service at 6:30 pm
St. Andrew’s United Church
4 pm – Christmas Family Service, 7 pm – Christmas Communion Service
Voice of Hope Ministries, Upper Blackville, 7 pm
December 25th: Christmas Day Services
Holy Trinity, Blackville 11 am
St. Andrew’s United Church, 11 am
St. Mary’s Anglican Church, 10 am
Miramichi Wesleyan Church, 10:30 am
Saint François de Salles Roman Catholic Church, Rogersville, 10:30 am
New Year Services
December 31st and January 1st Saint François de Salles Roman Catholic Church, Rogersville
New Year’s Eve service at 4 pm and on January 1st at 10:30 am. Also on January 1st at 9 am there will be a New Year’s Day Mass Service at Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, Acadieville
December 31st and January 1st: Upper Blackville United Baptist
6:30 pm New Year’s Eve worship and 10 am New Year’s Day worship.
January 1st: St. Andrew’s United Church, 11 am
January 1st: Holy Trinity, Blackville 11 am
Holy Name of Jesus (Octave Day of Christmas) Combined Parish Service.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.