2016 Remembrance Day Events in Northumberland County
The Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 47, Tabusintac will open at 9 am, and the marching of colours will begin at 10:45 am, which starts the service. “O Canada” is sung at 10:50 am, followed by “Oh Valiant Heart”, a scripture reading, the readings of “In Flanders Fields” and “A Poem of Remembrance”, followed by a prayer, benedictions and guest speakers. At 12 noon, there will be a lunch for everyone who would like to stay.
Annual Remembrance Day Services begin at 10 am, with a mass at Saint Bernard’s Roman Catholic Church, followed by a lunch at The Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 61, Néguac, at 12:30 noon. There will be a dance at 2 pm at the legion as well.
Burnt Church / Esgenoôpetitj First Nation
Annual Remembrance Day Services begin at 11 am, at the Cenotaph at the Burnt Church / New Jersey Seniors Hall.
On Friday, November 11, 2016 from 3 pm to 6 pm the Annual Remembrance Day Turkey and Ham Supper will be held at The FP Loggie Memorial Hall, 4410 Water Street, in Loggieville, next door to Knox United Church. $12 (adults), $5 (children) and take-outs will be available for no extra charge.
Chatham – Miramichi East
The Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 3 will host their Annual Remembrance Day Service ceremony at the theatre of James M. Hill Memorial High School. Those looking to attend are asked to be in their seats by 10:30 am. The parade will line up at 10:40 am and march in at 10:45 am. There will also be performances by the Ian Baillie Primary School Choir. Residents are invited out to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 3 following the ceremony for lunch and music by Bob McCallum and friends. It is a free lunch for veterans, and for drop ins only $4. Also, there will be a Military Memorabilia Display hosted by the Miramichi History Museum from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm. Admission is FREE and the display will be at the Museum located at 182 Wellington Street. (Former Mason’s Building). Everyone is Welcome!
Newcastle – Miramichi West
In Newcastle, the Royal Canadian Branch #10 will host its Remembrance Day ceremony at the Miramichi Civic Centre beginning at 10:35 am. There will be two minutes of silence at 11 am. Participants are asked to be at the rink by 10:15 am and the general public are asked to arrive by 10:30 am.
There will be a Remembrance Day service at the Miramichi Wesleyan Church at 52 Nelson Street. Our service will start at 11 am at 52 Nelson Street, Nelson – Miramichi. Seating for veterans and special guests will be at 10:50, so general seating should be no later than 10;45 am. A stand-up luncheon will follow the service.
Sunny Corner
Annual Remembrance Day service will be held at 2 pm at North and South Esk Regional High School (NSER) Auditorium. Parade participants will form outside the main entrance at 1:45 pm. A roast beef dinner will follow the service at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 90 / North West Branch, 26 Tozer Lane. It is a Free Admission for participants of the ceremony or $15. for non-participants.
The Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 49 will host their Annual Remembrance Day Service and Wreath Laying beginning at 10:45 am at the Blackville School. The legion recommends people should show up by 10:30 am. Also, The Holy Trinity Anglican Church will be hosting a special church service, Requiem Eucharist for the War Dead for Remembrance Day, the morning of the 11th at 9 am. The service is scheduled so those in attendance can both attend the church service as well as the wreath laying ceremony. All are welcome!
The Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 23 will host their Annual Remembrance Day Service and Wreath Laying beginning at 10:30 am at the Legion, 8 Doctor Hamilton Drive in Doaktown.
The Remembrance Day Parade will form at 9:30 am, followed by the mass at the Saint François de Salles Roman Catholic Church and the Remembrance Day ceremony at 11 am. There will be dinner at 12 pm noon at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 38, followed by a Penny Sale at 1 pm, with profits going to the Air Cadets.

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