Oriental Arts / Tai Chi & Qigong

Left to right: Trish Allin, Darlene Allen, Penny Prince, and Dave Bucklow, enjoy a little practice with the Tai Chi Fan in the fresh air at Ritchie Wharf Park.
by Dave Bucklow
Autumn is here and our Fall classes at the Golden Hawk have begun. Classes are the same as last year and will be held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30 to 11 am. Hope to see you all there.
We had a very enjoyable Summer practising at Ritchie Wharf Park on Monday mornings. There were only a couple of wet or cool mornings. It really is great to be outside in the sunshine, by the river surrounded by fresh air and clear energy—Refreshing Body, Mind and Spirit. But all too soon we find ourselves back inside until next summer.
This fall will see the start of another “Tai Chi Fan” class starting from the beginning, as one or two of the players has expressed interest in joining this part of our Art.
It has been a busy year since our participation in World Tai Chi & Qigong Day, which we celebrate at the end of April every year, as the momentum to be included in the Health System gains more ground.
Instructors and proponents of this wonderful, healing art, around the World, are proving the many health benefits of Tai Chi practice.
It is noted by the Medical profession that the three major health concerns for seniors are Heart attacks, Stroke, and falls. Tai Chi is one of the best possible exercises for improving balance, and helping to prevent falls. This alone could save the health system millions of dollars. It is also good for the heart, lowering the blood pressure, plus many more advantages to this slow moving Art.
Check out The Harvard Medical School – Guide to Tai Chi by Dr. Peter M. Wayne, PhD. An excellent book, well worth reading and keeping on your bookshelf.
For more information about Tai Chi and Qigong on the Miramichi contact myself, Dave Bucklow at 622-7124 or visit www.taichidave.ca.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.