Moving Into The Associated Lodges Hall in Douglastown

The upstairs meeting room has been completely redone with new platforms built, new drapes, chairs brought in from the previous hall in Newcastle, and the walls will soon be getting a fresh coat of paint.
Members of Miramichi #18 & Northumberland #17 Free & Accepted Masons Lodge have been busy over the past six months renovating the Associated Lodge’s Hall, under the direction of WM Steve Mullin, There is still more to do, but as you can see from the photos a lot of progress has been made! Future projects include installing an elevator to make the building more accessible to everyone.
The Associated Lodges Hall has an interesting history, being built by a Brother Mason, Ernest Hutchinson W.M. in 1915. It’s still a strong and well kept building, and the Hutchinson homestead can be seen just a little further up the road, the stone built house set back a little off the King George Hwy. Mr Hutchison left a trust to help maintain the building for the use of the Associated Lodges and it is currently being used by the Newcastle and Chatham Mason’s, the Eastern Star, Daughters of the Nile, and the Miramichi Shrine Club and Facts & Figures Unit.
The Mason’s are open to new members to help keep the organization growing and they look forward to starting a new chapter in the Douglastown hall. If you have thoughts of becoming a member, give Dave Bucklow a call at 622-7124.
- WM Steven Mullin, PM Bruce Roper and Brother Aaron Furlong working on the renovations.
- PM Bruce Roper and PM Ellie Hubbard.
- The meeting space has been completely renovated.
- The Associated Lodges Hall
- A new sign above the door.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.