This Old Thing June
In our March/ April issue Bernie Colepaugh of the Miramichi Folklore Park in Renous shared a photo of an old item and asked if anyone knew what it was.
“Could it be an old rock climbing or rappelling ring?” Frank Fitzgerald asked.
June Gallant guessed, “A rock anchor. Hammer the end into rock and use the loop to anchor whatever needs to be secured.”
Bill Dunnett said, “The old item in your March/ April issue is for retrieving logs that escaped from a log boom. A length of rope was tied to the ring, the other end was tied to the boat. They would drive the boat up beside the log and a man would drive the sharp point on the ring into the log. Several rings were used so they could move on to the next log without stopping.”
What does Bernie say?
“This is the type of iron ring that was hammered into the end of logs used to form the booms that held the logs in place after the drive. They could be pulled out and re-used.”
Congratulations Bill! You guessed correctly!
This month Bernie sent another photo … Do you know what this is? If you think you know we invite you to email your best guess to . Include “This Old Thing” in the subject line. Next issue we’ll publish the correct answer from Bernie and let you know if you were right!

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.