May is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Premier Brian Gallant, who is also minister responsible for Women’s Equality, reminds New Brunswickers that May is Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the province.
“Our government has clearly stated its intolerance of sexual violence,” said Gallant. “It is our duty as a government and as a society to educate the public about this problem and thereby reduce the impact on victims by providing them with all of our support.
“This May, I encourage the public to reflect on sexual assault awareness and prevention measures. Eliminating sexual violence is a collective responsibility. Together we must change attitudes and clearly show that sexual violence will not be tolerated.”
There are many agencies across the province, such as the Fredericton Sexual Assault Centre, that offer quality services to women and girls.
The Fredericton centre has been supporting women for more than 40 years through its 24-hour crisis line and education and awareness programs. It is the organization responsible for implementing the Provincial Strategy on Sexual Assault Services.
The Women’s Equality Branch is proud to support initiatives that provide women and their children with much-needed services, such as:
- domestic violence outreach services;
- the Concurrent Group Program for children exposed to violence and their mothers;
- second-stage housing;
- regional family violence networks;
- the Community Action Fund;
- the Cybersafe Girl initiative;
- the Provincial Strategy on Sexual Assault Services; and
- the Strategic Framework to End Violence against Wabanaki Women in New Brunswick.
“Putting an end to violence against women is a priority for our government,” said Gallant. “We must continue to mobilize the entire population with respect to this social problem and help our families to make New Brunswick a place where everyone can feel safe.”

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