Cole’s Garden Patch Annual Potting Party
Cole’s Garden Patch is a small family owned farm located at 345 Oldfield Road in Miramichi. Every year they host an annual Potting Party and everyone is invited to attend.
Cole’s Garden Patch’s annual Potting Party is happening on May 20th and June 3rd, 2016 from 6 -8 pm each evening.
Bring your favourite flower pots, hanging baskets, and planters, or purchase one from them while you are there. They will fill your “POT” with soil, assist you in picking out your favourite annuals and perennials from their large assortment, and then help you with the planting and care of your plants. Jennifer Quinn will be there each night to share her plant expertise.
Refreshments will be provided. Greenhouse space is limited. Contact Tracy at 210-0853 or to reserve your place. For more information follow Cole’s Garden Patch on Facebook.
About Cole’s Garden Patch
Cole’s Garden Patch was created in 2012 with the sale of vegetables and some perennial plants from our vegetable garden/ flower beds located at 345 Oldfield Road, Miramichi, NB. It is located on Sheaview Farm owned and operated by Kirk, Tracy and Cole Shea.
Kirk has two wonderful sisters that share the family trait of digging in the dirt, ability to make things grow and don’t mind hard work! So a dream team was conceived, a brother, his talented wife, his son the CEO in which the patch is named after, and two great sisters! You can meet us any day of the week at the farm or we are just a phone call away.
In March 2013 we built a wooden structure greenhouse with the help of great friends and family to start a fledgling variety of vegetable plants, annual flowers, some herbs, perennial flowers and the odd shrub. Farmgate sales was the first goal, secondly we were able to supply the Miramichi Feeds Inc. with their young vegetable/annual flower plants for resale to their clientele. But the best, was our opportunity to be a vendor each Saturday at the Chatham Farmers Market!
What a wonderful experience to meet such great people that appreciated the care and concern we had grown these plants with and they continued to make us proud by returning for more great plants and would update us on the progress of each little plant.
In 2014 we pushed our greenhouse to its maximum potential adding a cold frame to help with space in the spring. We had great farmgate sales, supplied the Miramichi Feed Inc. again with their plants and participated in the Chatham Farmers Market. In October we erected a large engineered greenhouse which we christened in April 2015.
We have a great line up coming to you with blight resistant tomato plants, shock wave petunias, sweet potato vines, calibrachoes “orange sherbert” and many others!
We continue to be available for any questions about growing habits, bug patrol, water requirements and soil amendments. If we don’t know the answer we will poll the audience till we figure out the answer to your question.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.