“Winning at Athlete Development” Theme of 2016 Sport for Life Mini-Summit
The Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture (Sport and Recreation branch) and the Northumberland County Sport Network presents the 2016 Sport for Life Mini Summit, at 5:30 pm on Monday, April 18th at the Rodd Miramichi River Hotel. The goal of the mini-summit is to offer quality information sessions for coaches, parents, educators, and sports club organizers from the Miramichi region. The theme of the event is “Winning at Athlete Development”.
Sport for Life Workshop
Douglas Duncan has been a leader within the Canadian Sport for Life movement since its inception. A former long track speed skater, national training centre coach and World Junior Championships team leader, Douglas had the opportunity to work directly with the coaches of many of Canada’s future Olympians. More recently, Douglas served as Athletics Canada’s Director of Sport Development where he was responsible for a number of programs and initiatives including the Run-Jump-Throw-Wheel Program.
Physical Literacy 101 Workshop
Cindy Levesque, Physical Literacy Consultant with the NB Physical Literacy Coalition has been actively promoting the importance of being physically literate across the Province for the past year. She will present details concerning the Physical Literacy concept and will elaborate on the importance of developing fundamental movement skills at an early age. She will also help us understand the PLAY tool kit and the benefits that it can bring to our coaching/teaching.
This invitation is opened to all sport stakeholders in the Miramichi region. The sessions are free of charge. Appetizers and beverages will be available throughout the sessions. For more information or to register, please contact Mélanie Arsenault Sirois at 625-1316 or by email to .

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.