January/ Febuary Update from City Councillor Tony “Bucket” Walsh
First of all, I would like to apologize for not having a January news update on my council matters. It was actually a quiet month so I am combining the past two months.
The 37th Annual Salmon Hockey Tournament was held with great success, with over 30 teams in attendance from across the province and PEI.
The curling club hosted the 48th Annual Men’s Miramichi Open, and once again another one of our clubs demonstrated why we continue to host functions by demonstrating Miramichi friendliness and hosting a truly enjoyable event.
Our Mayor and Council hosted the Annual New Year’s Levy at the Kinsmen Centre. This year recipients included Sharon Russell, Colleen Daley, Mary Butler and Roberta Bass. Congratulations to all awardees for excellence in Volunteerism.
On February 19th the Miramichi Wall of Fame welcomed 10 new athletes and builders. Maurie Bell, Don Brennan, Gerald Burns, David Godfrey and Frank Galley (posthumously) are the newest Athletes to earn a spot. In the Builders Category those inducted included Darlene O’Donell, Matthew Sokolowski and Doug Underhill. Willy Jardine was inducted as a pioneer and the 1961 St. Thomas Tommies Hockey Team were honoured as well.
The first two presentations concerning the potential new Miramichi Wellness Centre were held, as well as one Q&A session, with one more to follow on March 15, 2016 at 6:30 pm at the Exhibition Centre. We encourage everyone to attend as this concerns every citizen’s future.
On Saturday February 13th, Anne and I attended the Annual Suicide Prevention Rally “Linked for Life”, at the Kinsmen Centre, where we proceeded outside to form a “Link” around Queen Elizabeth Park. Hats off to Michelle Bushy and her army of volunteers for a wonderful presentation and excellent turn out.
We also had the opportunity to attend the Chatham Head Smelt Fry, which was sold out by 3 pm!
I attended the Downtowns AGM, at the Rodd Miramichi, on February 23rd. The primary topic of discussion was revitalization of both Miramichi East and West Downtown cores by guest speaker, Executive Director of Downtowns Fredericton, Bruce McCormack. The City is working in partnership with both Downtown Associations in efforts to refurbish and revitalise the downtown business districts.
Upcoming Events you may want to attend:
Sunday March 13th -Irish dessert/ Concert at St Mary’s Church
Tuesday March 15th at the Rodd Miramichi -NSPA/MSA 18th Annual Conservation Dinner Honouring Local Constable Dewey Gillespie- Contact Kate Flanagan at 624-3642 to reserve your tickets
Wednesday March 16th-The Premiers Dinner at Riverside entertainment Centre- Come and Meet Mr. Gallant! Contact the Miramichi Chamber of Commerce for Tickets
Friday and Saturday March 18th-19th at 7:30pm at the Rodd Miramichi as well as Sunday March 20th at 2pm “Julian” – Double L. Productions presents a play by J. Janda.
March 23rd – Mesha Gruggergosnam in concert at 2pm at James M. Hill Memrial High school.
Mayor Cormier went through his surgery and everything turned out positive. We wish him a speedy recovery.
I’ve been receiving enquiries from concerned citizens if I will be running again in the May 9th Municipal Elections. I am very passionate about our city and seeing it move forward. I plan to make a decision shortly; expect an announcement within the next month.
In the meantime we are enjoying the mild winter and saving tax payers dollars because of it.
If you have any concerns questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me at or 622-4612.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.