Changes to Hospice Miramichi’s Chase the Ace Fundraiser
In order to accommodate the busy schedule of our Chase the Ace participants, Hospice Miramichi have implemented the following changes:
Tickets will continue to be sold on site each Sunday at Northumberland Square between the hours of 1-2:45 pm. In addition tickets will be made available for pre-purchase at the Hospice office on 14 Howard St. (behind St. Michaels Basilica) in Chatham from 12- 4 pm Monday tthrough Thursday or at the Hospice Shoppe, 1737 Water Street, between the hours of 10 am – 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.
The individual or their designate will need to be present at Northumberland Square at 3 pm on Sunday with their ticket to be eligible for the draw.
Tickets are $2 each; 3 for $5; 10 for $10
Funds raised for this event will be used in the operational expenses associated with the Day Hospice Program and the Hospice Outreach Program whose mandate is to provide support services and respite for individuals in our community and their families who are living with progressive life limiting and life threatening illnesses.
For more information visit

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.