Book Nook Grand Re-Opening on World Autism Day April 2nd
Saturday April 2nd, 2016 is World Autism Day.
On December 18, 2007 the UN General Assembly designated April 2nd as World Autism Day. What is World Autism Awareness Day? It is a day that aims to increase people’s awareness about persons living with autism spectrum disorder, especially children living with autism. It is a day to celebrate the unique talents and skills of persons with autism and it is a day when individuals with autism are welcomed and embraced in community events around the globe.
In recognition of World Autism Day, The ARM BOOK NOOK will be hosting their Grand Re-Opening on Saturday April 2, 2016 from noon to 4 PM at their new location, 1 Allan Street in Douglastown (behind the Northumberland Square mall)!
Also on this day, Autism Resources Miramichi will be hosting their Annual General meeting beginning at 2 pm. They will be announcing the recipients of the Community Autism Awards during the AGM. The centre is also open to the public from noon until 4 pm for anyone who would like to drop by. They welcome all visitors as well as anyone who would be interested in sitting on their Board of Directors, as elections will be held that day.
Autism Resources Miramichi Inc. was organized by a group of local parents and professionals who felt there was a need to have a location where they could all gather to share ideas, experiences and resources. Knowledge is power! Together, we can make a difference and improve the lives of those affected by an Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and their families. Their mission is to serve persons of all ages living with Autism Spectrum Disorders by providing tangible resources; disseminating quality, evidence-based information; and facilitating professional intervention and involvement in the context of a supportive and inviting environment.
Since opening their doors in 2008 they have accomplished many goals including summer camps for children, Youth and Teen group partnership with NBCC, supporting parents and families, the Autism registry, assisting families with material preparations, educational workshops, lending library and their current program for Adults and Employment. The Adult Employment program is a partnership between ARM and Post-Secondary Education Training and Labour, whereby young adults are given a learning opportunity specifically tailored to teach skills that can be utilized in a work environment. The outcome of this program will be participants ready and able to work in the community. Another of their goals that came to fruition, that they are very proud of, is the creation of the ARM BOOK NOOK.
The ARM BOOK NOOK is a unique bookstore that offers gently used books at a bargain price. It is staffed by adults living with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The objective is to give meaningful employment and offer a service to residents of the Miramichi. We have a minimum of 10,000 books on hand, which have been sorted into various genres. The selection is phenomenal. There is something for everyone, be it fictional, mystery, romance, horror and fantasy, science fiction, best sellers, children and young adults. There are also movies, games, puzzles, and much more.
For the non-fiction reader, there is a vast selection of biographies, history, self-help, parenting, health, religion and spirituality, cooking and even travel books. You will not be disappointed in the selection, and certainly not in the price. They keep their prices very low to support their community because the community supports them through their generosity in donating the books. Without the support of the community, the ARM BOOK NOOK would not be in existence.
Check them out on Facebook (ARM BOOK NOOK ) and like their page! You will be amazed at their vast selection.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.