Remembrance Day Services Held
Remembrance Day services were held throughout the greater Miramichi region yesterday. In Sunny Corner the service was held in the NSER school gym. Members of the Sunny Corner Legion Branch 90, Ladies Auxiliary, Sunny Corner Fire Department, Sunny Corner RCMP, Guides, sports teams, Colour Party, and Miramichi Army Cadets participated. The reviewing party for the parade included Rev Raymond Pitcher, MLA Lisa Harris, Sunny Corner Legion Branch 90 President Shelly Burtt, and MP Pat Finnigan.
A few of Sunny Corner’s remaining Second World War veterans, Blair Matchett, Dorothy Matchett, Hershel Norton and Cecil Mullin. also enjoyed the service.
Click to enlarge any of the photos below and to view more pictures from the Remembrance Day Service in Sunny Corner, visit the Mighty Miramichi Photo Gallery.
We also have a collection of photos from the Service held at the Miramichi Civic Centre in Newcastle yesterday morning. Click to enlarge any of these photos below, and to view more images from the Newcastle Service click here to visit our Photo Gallery.

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