September Update From Councillor Tony (Bucket) Walsh
Once again its time for our council update for September!
Vacations are over for a lot of people and all the kiddies are back in school. Miramichi Accessable Transit has opened up at a brand new location with a brand new building in the Chatham Industrial Park … congratulations! The Annual Terry Fox Run was another success with the flag raising ceremony and to those who participated congrats as well. Scotia Bank branch Newcastle held their annual Aids Walk at the Queen Elizabeth Park and it was a total success. To all the volunteers who attended and helped pull off these events kudos to all of you!
Ritchie Wharf is now closed for the season as in the shops and the docks however the park is still open for leisurely walks. The Eco Tourism Centre is also now closed for the season and the numbers are up big time. The Curling Club will be starting up in October so get your brooms and sliders ready!
The City hosted a barbecue for the start up of the Community College year with councillors Foran, Lordon and myself along with the directors and Police to serve hamburgers. Over 400 were served and fun was had by all. Welcome back students!
Radio Street have been ruled on and the verdict will be a two-way stop sign on Radio & School Streets with Pedestrian crossings so be aware. After a thorough study lights were deemed unnecessary.
Our Payroll Center is ongoing as long with our new school on the croft grounds.
On the lighter side my Family Land Campground (mandersons) is now closed for the season and all campers had a great summer and fall! The month of October will be a busy one as this will be my first budget process with the City.
In closing anyone with cares or concerns can always contact me at 622-4612 or my city email
Thank you
Tony Bucket Walsh

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.